FoL Feedback Thread

Might even do an


To not have them be walls.

To be honest, you donā€™t even have to write them in the BD classes. Just write them in a cult post.

Scratch cult points, because cult points are just a construct how to built the sets
Write down the sets
Stop confusing newbies
:wink: :heart:

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I prefer them in the BD Classes area though.

Makes it a lot simpler to see which is for which class.

I would e.g. write all Invoker sets in an expando under the Invoker class, sorted by classes. Instead of having them in the BD post.
The same way how you would give them as host to your cult players.



Thatā€™s just too big of a post just for an Invoker

Then you have to do it for every single one of them.

It makes sense but itā€™s just obnoxious.

anyway I got a game to work on bye.

There is no reason to make it complex and post them in the BD post?
Instead you just have every cult set on one place. Like you would need it as host or as player too.

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Iā€™m all for it. ^^


The main reason cult points were even added were to help cult converts keep their claim up. If you took the cult points away cult would be way weaker. Which we may honestly need. Iā€™m honestly torn on the issue as from a balance perspective. It would make cult way more weaker. Making them honestly either hilariously UP in terms of power if we take it away or a tad bit weaker and on par with the unseen.

this probably made no sense as my brain is fried. Iā€™ll likely explain my thoughts on cult points in more detail soonTM

There will be no balance change. This is simply a change to how the cult classes get presentated.


Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Kai is an idiot part 542!


Welcome to misunderstanding :smiley: We all are good in that.

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Are you suggesting we make a set for every possible combination of convert loadouts? Because thatā€™s what is required for there to be no balance change

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Just have a couple of hours patience, and youā€™ll see. :wink:

Thatā€™s a lot of class cards with very little variation. Doesnā€™t sound like much of an improvement to me

Itā€™s actually really not that many, since itā€™s a very restrictive system and amounts to usually just 2 sets per class with sometimes just one ability difference.

Already a lot and some have more options

Because the cult point system is such a hugely intuitive system for everyone? :thinking:

I just checked. Literally all of them have 2 or less except Physician which hasā€¦ 8 :smiley:


Thatā€™s 36 class cards.