FoL Feedback Thread


thatā€™s super swingy with Prince

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To be honest, iā€™m not sure do i like an idea of often backstabbing BD without anyone who is goodā€¦ Just me butā€¦

Keep prince same, just make sheriff and pally like normal invests (can be multiple, not confirmed, not guaranteed.) The only work this would take is to make Marshall a thing and maybe nerf Pally a bit.

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Also, some non-theory crafting things


General Changes

  • Being occupied will now give the feedback ā€œYou were unable to successfully ____ā€.
  • Having your visit prevented will now give the feedback ā€œYou were unable to successfully ____.ā€

Mirroring a good change that happened in TOL, this should help reduce BDā€™s confirmability by at least a decent amount and open up new fake claims for certain scum.

Squire and Page

  • No Longer has ā€œUnskilled (Passive).ā€

Unskilled (Passive) - You are immune to death.

Squire was the only blue dragon who was permanently immune to death. This means certian Neutral Killers canā€™t win 1v1 vs them. The interaction is unhealthy, and also - people would stall out in squire even when they could take a strong class just because they didnā€™t want to die. Even without the passive, Squire is a strong class.

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Can you make unskilled a bp?

Or unskilled a passive - ur immune till the first BD dies.

Like such?

Itā€™s unnecessary. Squire is already strong enough and N1 kills are important for NKs and Evil

Maybe the pally and the sheriff (if they get slight reworks) but a convertible prince maybe a little too swingy


Important so they can lose faster by getting rid of ppl to cc?

Yeah what htm said.

Nevermind it was fixed after i respond it. :eyes:

If someone wants to continue trying to make a Mystic rework we can all agree would be a good improvement, feel free
if we can make one that nobody initially has huge problems with i can propose it

Well we have a base model that people agree is on the right track

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I dislike the squire change can we make it immune to death once, like priest?


Yeah priest is 10x better than squire why should priest have a bp vest and not squire?


I agree with Hippo and Sam tbh

Give Squire vest

Remove it from Priest



Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s a good idea. I feel like to die as a BD class that needs other BD to die before you can do anything night one sucks too much. I think both should have a BPV

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