Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

that was wrong!
didn’t the new update make it so you got message "prevent from use ‘x’ on target? :thinking:

not going to work this time

sheep :sheep:

Bossy Boss! Didcha leave your room last night?

Observer? but yeah i did

That’s a good question

Does Debt cause a prevention message? I wasn’t jailed.

Me not Observer me only am por noot noot. /s

I’m actually just a por mega fool so herp derp /s

Ok I’m stupid high rn someone punch me or something pls.

Observer(s) on me tonight. Trust me you’ll find something great.

this is what i found and maybe tech slip agin?

What if Tech is MM/CL, tried to convert me, but I was debted? :thinking:

Considering the player list I might be a decent conversion target

I doubt it.

K boss slip now plz

he said prevent from ‘visiting’ but the result he should have got is ‘unable to use x on target’

Yes I know that

@Marluxion clarification on what prevented means?

surely he’d get convert immune instead of occ/prevention message. I imagine it would feedback similar to barrier.

Debt does not stop visits

And that’s why I’m implying he could be lying to throw us off -.-

Tbh I do think he visited me, this claim doesn’t make sense otherwise

tech should not get ‘preven from visit vulgard’ result

He wouldn’t gain anything from saying he was prevented on me if he didn’t actually visit me

He should actually

You were prevented from using your ability on [Name].


You could not use your ability on [Name].

The latter seems more likely.
I have no idea as this is my first FoL game I think?