FoL Feedback Thread

I would be down for a game like that.

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I canā€™t run an EFoL, FK Iā€™m not member of the fol balance team, my word means nothing. Iā€™m just too frustrated of unwritten and unclear rules to run a real FoL anymore and want to try to revise it on my own.

Sure you can. Watch this.

@solic can priestess run an efol



If he says no it doesnā€™t matter anyway he will either end up dead unexpectedly or be over thrown

See boom FK doing work


Next thing we gotta do is take all these pretender reworks throw them in a blender and add them into the game

Why though

Shits and giggles mainly. Nah I got what I wanted. Inq is in. Idrc if pretender gets in

Iā€™m going to be honest I have become really mellow when it comes to balancing stuff here

Pretender could theoretically be a good thing. Right now I donā€™t really see a counterbalance to King regardless of the Kingā€™s alignment. You donā€™t really want to kill the King as Unseen, Cult or NK until itā€™s late game (assuming GK), unless you think you have a good shot at replacing him or having someone from your faction replace him. At least thatā€™s what I think.

The existence of Pretender could make the King feel more threatened and more inclined to participate, trying to root out enemies regardless of alignment. Pretender would have to be implemented very well, though. I think itā€™d be easy to make it too strong or too underwhelming.

All of that said, balancing the current classes should be the priority. Making the wording consistent across all class cards is one thing I would love to see. A lot of little things could be done for clarity.

Woah Vulgard is like back back

unfortunatly that logic doesnā€™t really add up. It would be a counter balance, but it doesnā€™t cause people to participate more.

Also I think it would arguably make someone post less depending on the person

Well, that part was probably a stretch. I shouldnā€™t see things through my lens alone.

Still, I think Pretender adds a much-needed element to the game. When was the last time a King election happened?

It be honestly interesting to see what would happen if king wasnt announced and their second vote was invis, that way pretender would have to check with votecounts to see why someone was lynched at 7 instead of 8. That narrow it down. Plus they could have the search for king ability for night. Or kill king with heavy repercussions if she hits the wrong person. Itā€™s less Tol based but just a cool idea I thought of

I donā€™t know for how long, but hey. Might as well do something worthwhile in here as long as I exist.


Are you saying because king elections can happen they should happen?

Iā€™ve seen too many fol matches in the last time where the King never died, even when the court thought heā€™s evil as hell

Thatā€™s pretty much the fault of the fourth