FoL Feedback Thread


I know this probably sounds stupid, but I think it’d make the game more interesting. Not that it’s boring right now, but things would be spiced up a little.

I remember Ici killing king!Marl as Alch in the past and it was one of the best things ever. Why not try out Pretender? It’s like you guys apparently did with Inquisitor. An EFoL is a great place for Pretender.

Me no? Just that king not being announced and having his second vote not revealed until lynch, and that just lowers king pool, might work with making pretender actually able to be used and not just a n1 kill king button

He wasn’t even suppose to be able to kill the king as alch they made a mistake which made it even better


FoL Pretender would need very different abilities, but I think it’s doable.

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Yeah, Alch can’t target King with his attacking ability

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Icibalus accidentally kills marl by using the wrong potion and the mod allows it lmao

You know what would be interesting, just make neutrals flip as neutral besides neutral killing obviously. And then just always have one guaranteed evil neutral if king is good and one good neutral if king is evil

The problem with pretender is that it’s making the game even more swingy by sometimes countering the king and sometimes not by not being in the game

Did you know that in FoL all neutrals are unique… except of Mercenary and Scorned

wait good neutral would just claim

NEVERMIND GUYS Neutral Balancing is a BAD IDEA

well, the least thing which has to be done is changes to Inq and Alch, since both classes have the win con for “protecting 3 people” “seeing 3 people die” … which is really hard when the match is only going til D3 or D4

I think one interesting ability for the Pretender would be the ability to whisper people. That way you can try to scheme your way to the throne if you can’t kill the King.

Thats why u just give them alt win cons. If they arent focused on the main game but their own they are usually fine. Pretender could be, be apart of like 3 lynches and be king at any point

Whispering is a nightmare for hosts

I think 2 should be fine for alch to test, and I think 3 might be fine for inq since massclaims happen so often

What you just said made me want to vomit when I realize that neutrals are exactly that and they defeat the purpose of forum mafia

yeah they dont play, they play their own game lol

Yeah, as temporary change I also thought on changing alch to 2, I’m not 100% sure about Inq

Or Pretender could dayvig the King at EoD if King lynches 3 people from his faction or something? Would be hard to balance though.

I like the idea of an ability that punishes the King for bad play. Flavor wise for the Pretender it’s really cool

Okay I should stop talking about it.