FoL Feedback Thread

Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during Grand Trial. Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits.

Change last line to

Your abilities cannot be seen by investigative abilities.

The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Armored (Passive) - You are night immune to the first attack blocked by defend. For additional attacks blocked, you will die bypassing death immunity and healing.
Defend (Night) - Guard a target player, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). You will be the target of the attacks instead. - Infinite uses :crown:
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will also take your own life. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

This should shore up any inconsistencies


die regardess of death immunity or healing*
or can he be saved with those two

By the way did we ever fix the case where prince could jail themselves due to cult bs

Donā€™t remember exactly where it happened but there was a case in a game of fol where the prince jailed themselves due to an ability being used on them

We did fix that interaction
Itā€™s now occupation (distract) and redirection (bewilder)


Will an Obs see the attacker visit the Knight then?

Wow nice job.

Heck I need to rephrase again

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FoL2 was a fun time

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You may get away this time, but by the time we got lynches back, we peeled you alive

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I survived as an outed Cultist for like three days and convinced you all to hang a Fool instead of me

Thatā€™s a win in my book


*A fool saved you by convincing everyone to hang the fool instead of you

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Flavor that I have had way too many questions about to keep around honestly.

It was legacy

They donā€™t or it would state so.

Cult is being looked at atm anyways. This is a result of both Mystic and Apostle being reworked prior and the extra cult point is superfluous. Good catch. There are some other oddities like this with current cult alt system.

Theyā€™re not.

EFoLs are organized by the FoL team, which Priestess isnā€™t a part of (they declined the invitation). They also are organized specifically to playtest more drastic shifts like all previous EFoLā€™s have done. I am currently unaware if Priestess plans such a shift, but if they bring their ideas to the FoL team and theyā€™re good then they can obviously run it.

I am sorry that you feel like that, but I am going to say that that is not true and already some changes have been passed through based on your feedback.

Pretender is an interesting concept, but will be really hard to get right. Itā€™s already contentious in ToL itself. Weā€™d love to see any fleshed out suggestions. Currently kings have gone through some nerfs, so that adds on to reluctance to step towards that.

NFoL 4.

Punishing openclaiming is a good concept and this isnā€™t anymore openclaiming, it is leaking your class, since the Inquisitor just has to guess it. Scum hides their classes and uses deceit. BD should do the same. Itā€™s way more interesting that way and I know very little people that enjoy massclaim metaā€™s.

FoL Sorcerer doesnā€™t have that. Less reason to have that when Knight doesnā€™t bypass immunity or gets notified.

The reasonable assumption is to just follow the cardsā€¦ Arbitrarily thinking itā€™s different than intended is just odd unless there is a great reason for it and then Iā€™d suggest to put that as feedback here, so it can be altered.


but Solic

If my personal assumption isnā€™t considered the only reasonable one, that means thereā€™s a chance I made an ass of u and me! Thatā€™s impossible!



First off, why does the balance team get to only host EFOLS. It makes no sense, because itā€™s experimenting with fol to see what is better, making it so anyone can host an efol makes it so that they can test changes they think will be good for the game without taking up a SFOL slot for just changing wording and stuff.

I think we can all agree that we donā€™t want a sfol where someone changes logs being in the game and then simplifies abilities interactions.

Itā€™s because FoL and by extension EFoL is a standardized format.

FOL isnā€™t EFOL. Fol is official EFOL is not. Thereā€™s no reason for EFOL to be standardized.

EFoL is also official.