FoL Feedback Thread

Is revive resurrection?

Well he was dieing but had a soul but didnt have a soul for the bleed, so we were like the bleed is proccessed while he is dead and is revived at start of day

I’m in class at the moment, so my ability to respond is quite occupied

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You only need 1 Soul to resurrect yourself. If you have one, you will resurrect yourself, regardless how many times you were attacked or you died to bleed or to whatever this night (except Prince of course), and consume 1 Soul


Interesting take, if you resurrect yourself, this will heal your bleed, even when it was the first night of the bleed tick

Prevention - All visiting abilities will fail on the target. Disregards immunities.

Including targetted non-visiting abilities. They will be prevented too.

Under ToL mechanics, a Reaper who’s bled (e.g.) D3, and thus will die to bleed N4, then gets attacked N3, will no longer be bleeding even though the deaths would occur on different nights.

ok so we did process that right, it was so confusing. We were like one it seems fine plus NK beng dead i think N2 would be boring

I think I made the case for that also since its like ur repairing your “body” your not gonna stop when it comes to bleeding out

Non-visiting abilities bypass visit prevention

WELL and Prince jail is just a prevention right?

Different case. You need 2 CWs for this
One CW arcane empowers the other one, so he can visit jail
The other CW arcane empowers the jailed target
JAIL is in FoL just an “occupy bypassing occimmunity”… so technically you can do your actions
And if you get arcane empowered in jail, they’ll even succeed :thinking: (okay this is a corner case, but it’s hilarious)

My gut response says change the wording of jail since a simpler case in Enforcer Frenzy can currently mess with jail (I think)

“Jailed players cannot perform abilities”

Cannot does not follow any other keywords.

It’s easy… go back to the ToL wordings if they were clearer :stuck_out_tongue:

Current wording: Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target (Bypasses occupy immunity)

Sorc is unintuitive with ToL wording
Additionally, we have Merc in FoL, which needs to have some form of block for occupiers to make scum targets slightly less jipped

well what is it for princes jail?

I meant with this: “Jail” prevents people who are trying to visit the jail.
Go here :wink: The wiki is pretty accurate.

It is currently non-obvious that the King can apparently use abilities on a jailed target


I still need to fix the wording for the players in jail since the current wording allows certain ability combinations to ignore being in jail