FoL Feedback Thread

I mean, in fairness, it is in ToL as well.

You were Occupied last night.

You swapped Arete [6] and Priestess [10].

Occupation on both A and B
Counteracting effects:
Barrier on A and B

Neither are occupied

Yeah ^^ I think Occupation and Redirection shouldnā€™t be on the same process level.

Thatā€™s NAR

CW A empower-barriers CW B
CW B empower-barriers CW A
Drunk C redirects A to Drunk D
Drunk D redirects B to Drunk C

but this time with redirection

RAR is busted holy

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I have more qualms with it being highly confirmable to be honest and out of place on a support.

Why is it confirmable? And why is it not a support ability?

Itā€™s a manipulative ability, able to interfere heavily with the actions of many players. Similar in effect to offensives.

Iā€™ll admit that it is closer than other offensive abilities to being supportive, but itā€™s still definitely an offensive ability.

Because investigatives get feedback about redirection and it doubles the chance of it being hit as for example Drunk which is already quite confirmable. Ice Ward does this to a degree, but less so. Itā€™s not as loud.

Unseen cannot fake tornados, nor can any NKā€™s.

Itā€™s more offensive than support.

I guess, most times I use Tornado I do it to protect someone from an attack and redirect the attacker to someone else.
But yeah, itā€™s confirmable. And it makes the class weaker. So is that balanced?

People fake Tornados in ToL on a semi-regular basis, and ToL doesnā€™t have limited feedback.

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In ToL you have 90? seconds to figure things out. Itā€™s different.

Itā€™s fine in terms of confirmability.
Just give it to scum as well

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The interactions that it has thoughā€¦

Yeah, RAR is terrible for that ^^

Which ability order do we have in FoL, anyways?

We donā€™t have ability order
Thatā€™s NAR (Natural Action Resolution)

Waitā€¦ what happens then if you convert someone and attack him in the same night. Does he get converted? Does he not?