FoL Feedback Thread

As in straight up bypassing armor and killing the knight, not who he targeted

Great stuff to write in the actual rules :wink: since itā€™s important for every single player


rar is a host thing


we make a more condensed version of that explaining how it functions without making me want to smack my head into my phone as Iā€™m trying to focus reading that

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Rule #1: Donā€™t check whether ā€œan actionā€ succeeded; check whether a particular end of night effect happens.

For example, if you think a certain player might die overnight, donā€™t check to see who killed them; just check to see whether they die.

Rule #2: An end of night effect happens if there is a reason that it happens that isnā€™t counteracted by a reason that would prevent it happening (that isnā€™t itself counteracted by a reason that would prevent it happening, and so on).

Like even this is the most condessed version of that and even still it makes people probably want to look away

Be my guest.

Yeah I donā€™t understand it myself.

Solic this isnā€™t how our relationship works Iā€™m suppose to complain and you are suppose to fix it

Hold on


So my understanding of how this would apply to the Drunk thing is that if one Drunk debs A to B, and another debs A to C (A is initially targeting D), then the first drunkā€™s deb doesnā€™t go through because thereā€™s a reason for it not to (A was also debbed to C), and the second doesnā€™t because thereā€™s a reason for it not to (A was also debbed to B), and so A ends up targeting D by default even though there are two reasons for it not to?

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Yes, thatā€™s how it works. Take into account that it can also apply to Warlocks/Invokers/Alcoholics conflict.

Step 1:
Check every action. If theres something stopping a certain action go to step 2
Step 2:Check the action that stopped an action to make sure nothing is stopping that action.

it might be a host thing, but itā€™s a stealth change to ToL since ToL does it completely different, and therefore my players will be confused. So it would be good if itā€™s stated.


If an effect happens without being counterracted by another effect, it happens.
If an effect is counterracted by another effect, it doesnā€™t happen. This goes on forever.

In the context of FoL, redirection is an effect. If redirection is not conflicted with, then the redirection takes place.
If there are two redirections on a target, thatā€™s two effects that counterract each other. Ergo both cancel out.

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I didnā€™t initially know thatā€™s how Solic handled the interactions.
Of course making it obvious would be a good change.

Redirection effect on target a
Empower effect on target a

Empower counterracts redirection
Redirection doesnā€™t happen

Well, or we could just change it back to how it was originally.
I want to bring Tornado back (swapping two players), and this Action Resolution complicates everything in my eyes with it :eyes:
But Iā€™m not sure, maybe I just overlook how easy this Action Resolution is.

CW A empower-barriers CW B
CW B empower-barriers CW A
Butler C occupies CW A
Butler D occupies CW B

How does this get resolved?

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Tornado is an absolute nightmare for interactions.

Why? :thinking:

FoL/ToL arenā€™t designed around a bus driver being in the setup, so interactions quickly grow complicated with offensive abilities.