FoL Feedback Thread

Well, game mods can’t silence players.

won’t work

when ur mad and then u get silenced it only makes u more mad



I honestly am trying to think of a way for mods to reduce toxicity in game threads without replacing the player, which can affect the gamestate

I think overly toxic players should not have place in the game at all. Either they are trying to behave better… or well.

That’s a fair concept.
The execution leads to one side being favored over the other and can’t be done without having mods

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when I mean game mods, I mean hosts aswell

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Have we ever had to forcibly replace someone for toxicity?


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Yes. Multiple times.
The question is, if we are strict enough in fighting against this kind of toxicity, and I hardly believe that.

Examples? I don’t remember any

Like Fol 21 even though it resulted in a modkill, and another game that resulted in this talk

there should be immediate warns if that’s not a thing yet

and bans if warns are ignored
no matter what’s happening, if you’re ignoring warns from a mod then you’re just bringing punishment on yourself and mods shouldn’t hesitate to take disciplinary action

I’d like to go similiar harsh here as in ToL tbh. Maybe not exactly so harsh, but really, the bad cases have to be handled. Without all of this “oh we know them, they aren’t that bad, we like them even if they are breaking the rules.” You know where this leads. Only too well.

Would a justice system be functional?

To people that are just having a bad day being forgiven for such? :thinking:

Because I personally haven’t been out of the game that long and I can’t say I remember anyone ever really being toxic in a mean way

I’ve experienced gamethrowing and stuff but not “this kind of toxicity” we seem to be so worried about

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Thats why I ask. But yeah, if you have a bad day, stay hecking away from a match for a day or so. Tell the hosts in your classcard that you’ll need a break for a day or so, so they know you don’t have to be prodded and replaced. That’s way less worse than ruining everyone else’s day!

If the hosts warn you for your toxicity, stop. Either calm down or take a break. In the worst case: replace out. But: DO NOT IGNORE THE WARNING AND KEEP GOING ON WITH THAT SHIT.

We are not talking about “oh, I was so angry in that moment and called someone else a single time idiot, moron, retarded, braindead, dense, piece of shit or similiar. Sorry.”
We are talking about this behaviour going on for more than one or two posts, and not stopping after got asked to (or using worse words than this). I mean, not stopping after you realized that you went too far. Constant toxicity is not a strat. It’s just that: toxic.

The rules are not made for stopping you to have fun, but they are made to protect the others, so everyone can have fun, even people who are less thickskinned than you.

And for real, you’ll be warned first, that you went too far. Probably even multiple times. But yes, on a longer sight you should try to behave a bit better. If it happens occasionally, well, shit happens. But on the long run: try to behave as the decent human you are :heart:

like dingus, clown, hooligan, or the worst one weirdo

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