FoL Feedback Thread

But then we are going out of pattern

And both of the abilities that it can get from the cult points (if we assume smite and test faith only) then they are pretty useless and it should have a cult alt imo

I mean you just want to not be able to smite the prince.


So what? Cult points exist mainly to ease the problem of cult not having abilities that can fake the previous abilities.
Paladin has no such problem.

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They do too!

Such as


Also we should probably make a poll to see how much people would like prince to be convertible

(I personally would not like prince to be convertible cuz of itā€™s swingyness)

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Prince convertible sounds fun.

Just NO one would claim to him

Btw you need a pfp or we destroy you


I havenā€™t seen any good argument for giving Paladin more cult points than zero.

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Unless we make him like Illusionist


One is better than zero?

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bad argument.
One unstoppable kill for all bd is better than zeroā€¦ for them.
Yet it is not better for the game.

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Well we werenā€™t arguing about that we were arguing about cult points.

One cult point isnā€™t bad for the game.

Smite only kills CLs I believe

Unless you are talking about another ability

Well, maybe it is. There needs to be a tradeoff for the awesome effect of getting rid of your main investigator.

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Btw can we make polls here or do we have to ask before we make them?

How about something like the below? (Donā€™t forget in FoL that Paladin is a Killer, not Investigative, so thatā€™s why they are an Invoker convert. Also keep in mind for the below that Invoker already has 1 day and night ability, so you can only pick one of each no matter what)

Also Smite is completely different in FoL too.

Converts into The Invoker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts
(Blessing of Light): Curse of Corax (Day) - If the Cult Leader canā€™t convert their target tonight, they will then attempt to convert your target. - 2 uses
(Cleanse): Purge (Day) - The Cult Leaderā€™s Blood of Mithras will bypass night immunity on its non-cult target tonight. - 2 uses
(Test of Faith): Trial By Blood (Night) - If your target is bleeding and would die in two nights, they will instead die tonight. - 2 uses

Anyone can make them I believe.


Should Prince be convertible btw?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Converts into The Invoker
Cult points: 0

way better.

What happens if they are prince/neut?

Oh lol I guess I worded that badly. One sec