FoL Feedback Thread

i mean id love to hear their ideas

its just tol discord is made for tol stuff

if you wanna make a new fol discord be my guest

That’s not inherent to ToL

That’s also not inherent to ToL
Punishment for yolo’ing came as a biproduct of yolo’ing existing in the first place; it was reactionary.
Hunter bleed isn’t punished for yoloing
Offensives aren’t (for the most part) heavily punished by yoloing

Also not inherent to ToL
Trying to win neutrals to your side is in some ways neutered by not having survival based neutrals. (current observation)

did you even read that post

Chess but with Mario characters

Why would we enforce power creep on a game that’s already super high powered

That reason is mislynching

then again

we can also make fol pure vanilla


game cant be unbalanced if theres no mechanics


you aren’t welcome here anymore sorry

thats a meme point dw

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Please explain what you mean by this?

took me till the second post to realize it

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Game can’t be unbalanced if there’s no game in the first place



Main problem of FoL in my eyes is the kind of swinginess which leads to a quick victory for one side.
We should try to balance the game so that the game has a non-certain end for at least the first few days.
Swinginess aka “the classes were rolled in this game a bit more scumsided than usual” isn’t a problem at all. This kind of swinginess is intended.

I don’t see how this is even remotely possible considering the games are hosted on the forums, most of our regulars are here actively, and our Discord server is basically dead.

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I have at least 7 people pushing on me with “when is the next nfoool”

Newbie Forum of of of Lies
Back to your regularly scheduled discussion

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tell them this exists

we don’t know they exist, why should we care until we realize they exist

this sounds harsh, but you are basically saying 7 guys we don’t know want to join and aren’t willing to talk to us about joining

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This sounds to me like you’re saying FoL doesn’t matter to ToL

And if that is the case why can we not try being a middle ground, being different?

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This gave me a decent idea for a forum game thanks priestess

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I want FoL having more importance to ToL, but that’s definitely not through “let’s change the important stuff so you can’t even compare them anymore”