FoL Feedback Thread

what protectives do you want removed? Plus i dont think there are to many?

Socials are heavily confirmable in most cases and add very little to the game


The idea I had was a mass-night bleed BD Killer that gave the same feedback as a chronomancer delay but it’s too confirmable unfortunately.

But Peasant would add so much to the game :wink:

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Chrono delay doesn’t give feedback

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Other than that

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I honestly hope it gets added

Scribe seems pretty balanced

Which one

Peasant, its such a meme, but in general is a good class and lowers kp and gives scum a bad convert

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It’s essentially a villager then?
That isn’t fun at all.

doesnt fit with the tol

Well except for cult, cult convert is pretty ok

It is if you make it, its a less powerful role, but it makes you focus on the game a lot more

I mean, we used to have Squire

but, yea It got removed

:man_shrugging: neither does Hunter or Lich but we have them. We can add our own stuff to the game to diversify it

yes but important part is that theyre PRs

Is squire the one who coould learn another classes ability, or am i mistaking it for another class


it got removed, due to priests existence

Tbh Squire was p balanced
Just remove 1-shot BP


it was removed cuz of too many unique classes