FoL Feedback Thread

“Important BD class” was also in ToL and ToS last I played both

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“Important BD Class” wasn’t in ToL for a long time, at least as far as I remember

It’s definitely more prevalent in ToS (for obvious reasons) but I would never say it’s not been a part of ToL

Princes, on the stand: ‘don’t execute me, I’m important but I don’t want to out’

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Court never allows that tho, they say “claim or die”, even when you claimed to the King, Mystic and the Prince already.

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Wait are we talking on the stand

Ah yes, claiming to the Prince as Prince


Heck me :heart:

I thought we were talking mid-day (especially D1) to like ask for protectives

“I’m important BD” outside of on stand wasn’t ever a meta in ToL as long as I was member.

Are you newer than, like, February?

Oh almost wow ok

Jeez this whole Race Crew thing has really taken a lot of time when you put it in perspective like that

I’m from April 2018

Says “Joined Jan 20”

your talking bout Forums shes talking TOL

put ace attorney pfp back

why? Pescis great

Your pic is false advertising, you claim to be DatBird but it’s not a bird.

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Really offtopic but… click my name and you can see the bird as the background