FoL Feedback Thread

I’m Guide since January


I generally assumed those are the same join date I guess


I know why

ToS does that

Possible minor NK buff: give the occ/red immune NKs the same addendum (‘You will know if someone tries to occupy you or change your target’) that the Mastermind has, allowing them to more easily fake investigative classes if they so wish.


And its a decent convert because you basically get to pick ur unseen class from all dead flips

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ah yes, let the game become a match of mechanics

count me out

Swing makes the game luck-based (in which classes rolled) instead of skill-based.
Therefore it bad.

When I was a child I was all for chance and crap but now I’m so fixated on consistency I frown at d&d because it uses a d20.

There’s a lot of things you think of bad or good as a child and when you grow up you realize how naive you were


allow me to randomly rant at barb?

oof, but we are playing a game, why is random generally bad :stuck_out_tongue:
But nah, using mechanics isn’t “random”

Mechanics leads to Swing leads to Random leads to No fun
:thinking: That’s an interesting… approach for trying to balance a heavily mechanic focused game.

Ye let’s make fol all any

honestly barbarian is at the same time the best and worst class on design
it is good because unlike the minmaxers I believe honestly that MADness is good. The barb fits well a roll-for-stats game (if you roll three good atributes, get a barb) and a point buy one. Yes, a point buy one even if it is MAD. Because either you go 15/15/15/8/8/8 and have abismal mental stats, or you will become a tank (low str, high dex and con), or you will become a glass canon (low con, high dex and str) or you will become a roadhog aka meatshield (low dex, high con and str).
But it uses
So many d12s.
d12s not only for the optimal barb weapon (two-handed axe) but also for the hp of the class.

Yep… is that a reason to delete barbarian? Hardly :smiley:

…Can I explain it in dice roll percentages? It is the only way I can.

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I’m playing Pathfinder, so yeah, I understand D&D talk.

(Btw, if you want less randomness, make healer+sheriff/paladin guaranteed again)

My approach for BD spawns would be btw:
First roll for the type of the class
BD killer
BD support
BD social
BD offensive
BD investigative
to 1/5 each.
Then you roll for the class inside of that type.
So that adding a new BD killer doesn’t change the complete balancing towards “more bd killers”
But that’s just an idea.


How many bd spots are there again?