FoL Feedback Thread

Wording on Last Rites denotes that it can only target flipped BD.
The interaction is entirely intuitive.

Voice rez is iffy, but if the Priest seriously buys you being town, tbh it’s fine as long as the revived can’t take the vote of the Priest. Essentially just requires minor retooling

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Bumping game to 18p was a very interesting suggestion I got that should be considered in order to both retain many elements from ToL but also reduce the punishing swing the game is facing


That’s Clash of Cults, in normal FoL that is not possible, the ability will just not activate.

Of course I would give cultseen™ buffs in the flexibility department to compensate since both those slots would be BD

In my games I have always counted Priest rely on the flip information, not the actual class. Otherwise they are able to confirm fake flips to degrees. You also have problems with abilities that require 2 targets like Drunk being uninterpretable, if it’s suddenly a Physician flip or vica versa. The only “bad” interaction this has is Scorned making a deal with a Priest to use their disguises for mechanical gain, but simultaneously that obscures actual flip information.

Other interaction is Possessor who is mildly hard countered by Priest already, so it’s good that Possessor can at least screw Priest back in ways like only flipping evil corpses that Priest can’t use. The dead can claim their real class always, so there is more counterplay there.

The current wording also allows for scum to be channeled. If you can fool a Priest, I see no reason why they shouldn’t be able to manipulate their way back. The voting would work iffy, so I’d change the wording to allow Priest priority over their vote, but that’s about it.


Could also be 1 neutral/BD + 1 BD slot.

That’s also a possibility
I’d probably try both to see how it works

Given that the current consensus seems to be that scum (or at least Unseen) is slightly overpowered, that might not be necessary? I’m not actually sure how much more BD-sided adding two BD slots makes it.

Adding another 50/50 BD/neut slot seems like the sort of thing that would increase swing.

Flexibility doesn’t buff their high end
It just makes their averages more consistent

I agree on more neuts = more swing

What sort of flexibility are you imagining?

Wait until after SFoL 00 ends.

This consensus is coming from your one post? :thinking:

Unseen was drastically altered in their promotion system changing. Any stats from before it are honestly useless, even more so if you take into account the extremely limited sample.

I wasn’t remotely close to the first person who suggested that Unseen was overpowered.

I think the new promotion system should at least be rolled once before we can say anything about how it’s balanced. That was a big nerf in my opinion.

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I mathed out Unseen kp alongside NK to be suffocating for BD a while back

Because you take into account no offensives/protectives, which are all BD classes.

That’s a reasonable point and I’m curious to see how it works out.

I took into account those actually
I used averages

Nightplans and fear of messing up nullify protectives.

Hi Solic, I see you typing.