FoL Feedback Thread

Because they cant be occupied thus they cant be stopped from using their abilities. Silence stops players from using their abilities

That confuses me.


Occimmunity only protects you from one thing: occupation. It doesnā€™t protect you from silence or from getting prevented

Silence is a occupation thatā€™s why its included in the current ability description

Silence never was an occupation. That was just a weird incidence of a recent rulechange in fol, which can be easily reverted.

Ok Priestess three things

  1. What is the description and purpose of serve wine
  2. What is description and purpose of Dose, the ability that started this convo
  3. Why to you should one be an occupy and the other not?
  1. Occupation is occupation
  2. Dose is a standard silence.
  3. Because they always were completely different things.

Something having always been different is not a reason for it to continue being different.

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Should FoL silence bypass occ immunity or not?
Alternatively, should Prince and other occ immune classes be affected or not by silence?

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I guess I just dont understand how u dont see stopping day abilities as not an occupation :man_shrugging:

I think Silence being an occupy is to prevent people from silencing the King/Prince

Same reason why bleed bypasses deathimmunity.

Prince afaik is already immune to immunity bypasses.

No it shouldnt and prince should only be affected day ability wise from silences if the ability states it goes through immunities

Also Distract is explicitly an occupy

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When it wasnā€™t an occupy at all, Prince could be silenced (seeā€¦FoL 21? I think?)

Thatā€™s where you are wrong. grafik

We are not TOL we are fol

Like I get it, thatā€™s why u joined and why a good majority of us did. But we are trying to make this balanced so going against source material where it benefits the game in a FM way we will