FoL Feedback Thread

Or alternatively a dummy thread that does have all the class cards on it that isn’t locked
So we have the official one that is locked
And then another one that isn’t

To be honest?
One sec. It’s a ghetto solution, but we can change that immediately.


In 2 years this will be changed into a Kings tab change my mind.


Petiton to add a Day 1 Lynch to FoL


I liked it in EFOL when we tried it

Well we tried it in EFoL 3, but we don’t speak about that one ^^
But yeah, we’re searching for changes which can prolong the game for a bit (because constant d3/d4 wins are unsatisfying), not to shorten it. Also I believe that D1 lynches are encouraging policy lynches. Give each player at least 1 night to contribute mechanically. Also doing a D1 lynch would shift balancing towards the BD side.
Yes, I consider it on the long run, but it’s nothing we need urgently and it’s kinda a huge change with a lot of impact, so I’m kinda inclined to postpone this idea for a few weeks.

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Can we put changes in a seperate thread it’s really cluttered here and hard to find changes because of all the feed back

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I laughed at feed back ngl

Feed me back papa


I know your a momma I just like saying papapa : (

We are already doing that


Thinking it would be good, tbh.
Originally I was kind of against it with the status quo being that there were only 2 Unseen/Cult alive d1 and probability-wise this wouldn’t be a very good tradeoff. Thing is the chance of removing the NK or an evil-aligned neut looks to be a decent tradeoff to this.

Would actually help tone down the swing nowadays in matches.

I’m for removing Unstoppable or penalizing them somehow from open-claiming. Right now there really aren’t any penalties for open-claiming as a Prince and it can make the game swingy depending if protectives rolled or not.

Assassin one shot strongman is a decent way to do this

Agree with this as it also removes the KP from 2-for-1.

Still think Frenzy and 2-for-1 should be swapped.

2f1 works in tol since less kills happen

Enforcer with 2f1 seems stupidly strong