FoL Feedback Thread

I’d argue that anti-claim being added due to mass claim being boring is a better reason than adding anti-claim because mass claim is OP.

OP things can be solved by either:

A - Removal (Which an anti-claim accomplishes)
B - Weakening (Reducing confirmation accomplishes this)
C - Counterbalancing (not currently being used explicitly. But basically just give scum enough power to handle massclaim at full force)

However if the problem is that Massclaim is just boring then simply making it a bit weaker or making the other side strong enough that it’s current power is ok won’t usually solve the issue, that leaves removal.

Thus non-balance reasons are a more compelling reason to add anti-massclaim.

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Yes since you need to hunt for certain class types to limit ur own PoE down

Nah threads in the past did what i could say but better. Geyde Ici and Alice made a really good thread about it

One scum heathen is guaranteed to spawn so you gotta play both sides. You are actively on the scum team and on the bd team while looking for heathens. It’s a nice mix of both and is prob the most neutral neut there is. And now u say “but 2 bd spawn so its scum sided” and I say like Joesph Joestar once said. More BD spawn that evils so it’s only fair

Really dont like the shade, but whatever cant do much about it

While balance is important, it’s also important to not be blinded by it and forget that there are other factors we need to worry about as well.

Sorry, I didn’t meant it how I said it. >.> Internet and words…

Well, I don’t see why “Add Inq” is doing all these things, or even a single thing.

Inquis as proposed at least in theory helps prevent mass claim.

If you consider mass claim a bad thing (in terms of enjoyment, not effectiveness) then this is good. Otherwise it is neutral or bad.

Why will it prevent mass claim? I don’t see how it will even stop a single person from claiming.

if you are a heathen (which you won’t know in advance) and you claim then the inquis can guaranteed Kill you.

In practice that probably won’t be enough, but at least on paper it stops mass claims.

we’re playing on Laptops and Phones, and not on dead trees, so this will definitely not work
sorry, bad pun.

I explained my points on the reasoning. If you dont see them I cant force ya to think my way. I love the class and hope to roll it. I think it adds depth and fun to the game while also teaching better habits. I know we dont want to teach people that their play is suboptimal but like a little kick can help, it helped me drop the habit. Like one of the things I dont see enough is how can my game improve asked by others, it’s a question I ask a lot due to me wanting to hone the craft and be my best me. I get that not everyone wants that, and they would rather see it as a meme fest where they dont post content and get policy lynched, but I like to see the community grow stronger together, and actually run competitive FOL. Idk is inq the right way probably not, but does the class look fun as hell? Yes to me. I would love to roll it and love to see yall give it a chance. If ya dont like it, ya dont like it, but please let me know why

It’s also an official ToL class.

Oof we both are getting a bit heated, my deepest apologies, I didn’t want to disrespect you or your opinion.


I’d Disagree that it’s Completly boring it’s Just adds another way of Solving wich usually work Usually though Its only some people claiming And rarely goes to all claim

Considering many people already considers it a bad strat And it wouldnt be done by other than new people if it’s Unfun And bad strategy at same time I dont see need for inq

Having a 1 in whatever chance of rolling an anti claims, which can be deduced to not exist by number of neut spawns (just look at the EFoL) wont make most BD consider hiding their claim JUST. IN. CASE. they are Heathen.
That’s my opinion on balancing claims with a low spawning class.


I apologize too if I’m coming off harsh, but I would love to run CFOL. And in it’s current state Idk if it go that well

What exactly are you worrying which will happen?
Mass claim D2? Yeah thats an annoying meta, I just don’t think Inq (in his current state) will change that.

I didn’t claim it was boring, just that it being boring is a more compelling argument.

I personally do think mass claim is boring, however it’s opinionated enough that arguing it won’t get us anywhere.

IF you think mass claims are bad THEN inquisitor is a good idea (execution is another matter but still)

IF you think mass claims are good THEN inquisitor is a bad idea (which seems to be your position)

Balance can be achieved with or without mass claims so the question is just if we want mass claims in the first place or not.

Despite what I just said I don’t HATE mass claims, I just find them a bit too limiting for my tastes.

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tbh kinda cool

The point about not having whispers is that info isn’t just allowed to be completely open

In ToL we are considering Whispers as an important way to encourage social plays.

I’m very adamant that whispers would overcentralize the game in an unhealthy way

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