FoL Feedback Thread

With that being said. Here is a poll:

Do you enjoy Mass claims?

(Don’t worry about balance, just answer your preference)

  • Mass claims are fun
  • Mass claims are boring/annoying/whatever
  • I’m indifferent
  • Other (please say what)

0 voters

Yeah, I’m absolutely not sure how that would end in a forum environment.

Yeah inq might not be enough to stop that. Like if people are willing to listen I would love to help them improve and get them to a point of let’s not claim for no reason. When I was told that it changed my game forever and for the better. The meta itself is also annoying to me and gives scum a huge power play. Like it’s a bit of everything that stops me from doing it. Like players not playing, people giving to much info that they didnt need to give, a bit of balance but that’s like the easiest to fix cause you dont have to rely on others to much other than the balance team and I trust who I think is on it enough. Ots just like inq is not a problem imo and it hopefully helps and it has a small spawn rate as it is and as Kape said it’s not gonna spawn much can be mechanically confirmed not in play except if people fake claim neut :eyes: Wazza :P. Plus it affects 3 people. 1 scum also. Hes the hard one to kill, if ur going claim wise

Some Balance between no claims at all And all claim wich seems to be case rn

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Reason why Inq isn’t healthy is that claimvig is added to games that can be feasibly solved by claiming
FoL…not really

My mission failed. Wazza is now the new king of fake claiming neutral.
I go crying in my corner.

It’s fine to fake claim neut. Fake claiming is great if done right. Ur a natural. It does give claiming space for scum too so people start claiming early. So they can counter play them and convince them inq ain’t in game

Other anti-claim mechanics work better, and conversion itself as a mechanic disincentivizes massclaim

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Like, games haven’t been solved by everyone claiming early here after all the BD nerfs
Not even close

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Hes the most recent neut claimer. You are the master at it hes the student

Fakeclaim inq so that people don’t massclaim

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Yeah that’s not going to end poorly…

Massclaims are situationally a good option

It’s just an extra benefit that it disincentives massclaims by existing. I think it’s an interesting neutral to play that has to hunt specific classes and isn’t imbalanced towards either faction. It’s also an official ToL class. What’s exactly bad about Inquis?

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is joke

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Massclaims aren’t even that good for BD. They can go very well… or very badly for them.

It’s effective when done right.

That wasn’t what I was asking tho. Or do you mean it’s FUN when done in specific situations?

Now this is a strat. People wont massclaim if I fake claim inq. Just side with BD since I’m bd and we can have a nice normal game.

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It’s never fun for either side
It’s essentially an endgaming strat to out the last evil(s)