FoL Feedback Thread

Never mind I’m dumb

Oh boy

I knew I was out of it

But I’m out of it

I liked my cult support

Bus Driver is a protective/manipulative mix

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Geyde what’d you think of my cult support

copypaste it here

Uhh where do I go find it

Actual take

As town bus drivers are support

As scum they’re offensive


Well yeah
Makes sense

Is their a list of all the SFoL00 cards somewhere

Mithras Ritualist

Cult Support

Mithras’ Protection: If your Cult Leader is attacked tonight, you will be given the option to give up your life in order to keep them alive. Healable if the attack is, other than that similar to a Knight defend but won’t kill the attacker

Mithras’ Will: (1 Use) Chose a player and mark them for one night, if they are converted this night your Cult leader can decide what class type they will convert into. Not usable D1

Copy(sorry for shot names): (3 Use) Select target dead BD and copy a random non-killer ability

Blood swap: (1 Use) Swap or alter any invest results on target cult player. Can target self
Mithras’ Strength: (1 Use) The Cult is occupy and redirect immune tonight
((Name is whatever ability last copied): (Has 1-0 uses) Use your copied ability Can only hold one ability at a time, copied abilities are one shot use, start the game with random abilitie

Ignore that I think the flavor is unseen and also that I’m bad at names/flavor


I see how it is Geyde smh

So wait, what is the reason for that?

The passive delays the entire cycle change just for that decision, sacrificial abilities are antifun and even bad for Cult as they don’t gain new uses.

The first day ability is more… special? And it makes little sense to change type as to preserve fakeclaims. There is so much that the support archetype can do and you use a slot for this?

The second day ability is basically Apostle’s ability.

Alter is vague. Also this ability is very specific to invests for some reason.

Whole faction targeting abilities are bad and take away skillful choices. Although usually you’d just tack this on to Cult Leader though.

Also 3 night abilities.

This class doesn’t have much of an afterthought from Physician/Chronomancer/Court Wizard.

Came with a full cult rework
Due to removal of full feedback it became unnecessary to have them
Massive imbalance between converts

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No Mind Flayer is best

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Idea: All kings (for ease of use) should be grouped together.

What if you have 0 votes on anyone at EoD?
What if you have 2 or more people with the same amount of votes?
What if a King GTs someone last second and court pardons?