FoL Feedback Thread

Didn’t they gladiate the CL? :thinking:

Confirms 2 town therefore denying scum two mislynch candidates rather than 1

I’m not 100% sure since it’s so long ago, but we did let them die on purpose… cause heck me, I prefer to have a nonconfirmed king than an antitown gladiator as king

Also no gladiator in competetive

*town gladiator

Remember all the times when we thought about executing the confirmed town Gladiator instead of his target, cause this gladiate was so obv anti-town?

… maybe Gladiate should have a suicide guilt mechanic.

I double-checked, he gladiated the CL D2, gladiated the Begrudged (Fool-equivalent) D3, and killed the EK N3

given that on D3 all Cult but the King were dead, I’m pretty sure the only better gladiate would have been the NK (given that presumably he didn’t know the Begrudged was Begrudged)

The question is not “who to gladiate” but “should I ever gladiate”
And the answer is no, most of the times. Not when town has majority.

ew no
Lynching a BD is punishment enough


suicide guilt triggers a gut instinct

Gladiating is like Butler poison. If you don’t give it a suicide guilt mechanic, it will be just be used as yolo.

Gladiating the CL made perfect sense because due to their Cabalist claim they were thunderdomed with the Magistrate claim and the Magi could confirm with the gladiate that they were real

But Butler poison is fundamentally different
It doesn’t take up any resources the BD would otherwise have if it wasn’t used


IIRC their D3 gladiate was a consensus lynch and the gladiate allowed them to demonstrate non-converted-ness when combined with their N3?

With or without gladiate, there’s still the lynch

That was the case

Yeah… gladiating the wrong person is way worse for BD than just yolo poisoning a king, that’s why it has to be discouraged even more

But the punishment already is lynching a bd
That’s a big punishment when there’s only like 2-3 of them

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I’m just trying to figure out how ‘literally the best possible lynch for the day’ and ‘probably the second-best lynch for the day’ are anti-town gladiate targets

Knight CS. I want to yolo someone … but maybe I shouldn’t cause it’ll kill me
Butler Poison: I want to yolo kill the king … but maybe I shouldn’t cause it’ll kill me
Gladiate: I want to yolo execute someone … let’s just do it, nothing can stop me