FoL Feedback Thread

You’re completely ignoring my point about resources

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No, it’s the reason WHY it should be discouraged even more. It completely screwes your own team if used incorrectly

Wasting resources is the exact reason it shouldnt exist

To be clear I don’t even want to add a gladiator

But if we do add a gladiator it shouldn’t have guilt

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That’s why it’s only part of my list

If you have really powerful abilities or abilities which will screw your team heavily if used without thinking, you should add a heavy guilt penalty or it will just be used as yolo

What I tried to do in danganronpa

Those others are too op you need to make myst exclusive with prince to add them

That’s roughly equivalent to what Priest brings to the table really

It’s not even powerful
I don’t get how it’s as powerful as a vig shot


Priest only confirms 1 town (themselves)

the other town they’re confirming would otherwise have been dead, and therefore not a potential mislynch

(and the two of them share a vote)

It’s not powerful. But it will screw your own team heavily.

But it screws BD And they cant do anything

I’m saying dead chat is really strong

So if misusing it already punishes your own team, then adding guilt will make it punish your own team even further


There is reason that they dont exist anymore

Guilt is not really a punishment in my eyes… it’s more a “discouraging” players from yoloing

That’s more because

a. poss
b. revival is not really balanceable

I mean you were saying about priest being too powerful

I have bad idea

Give revival 50% chance of randomly converting target