FoL Feedback Thread

i disagree

make neut claims as viable as they are in ToL

chances they wont interlap and chances that the neuts won’t claim.

2-3 neuts is how things should be

I agree, I will find it unacceptable to start with 3 starting minority informed group and have second convert off the bat.

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Seriously they are too random

No more neuts

Isn’t that the fun part? More random means less mechanical confirmations and more read based games.


Do we have NK spawning in the game? We never know ~

2 potential NKs :smiling_imp:

  1. Not necessaraly
  2. It means more unbalanced

remove all neuts And make NK masons

To be fair, FoL is not meant to be 50/50 spawn balanced. It’s always a bit swingy
Depends on neutrals, depends on the BD spawns, depends on King, depends on … so much different stuff

Yes We already have balance issues Thats Why We shouldnt add more unbalanced things

I’m proposing the idea of one of the slots POTENTIALLY rolling neutral, so it’s not inherently unbalanced. 3 neutrals can potentially whack the balance, but its the potential that changes it. Scum gets claim advantage but not necessarily neutral numbers advantage.

I think it’s a lot better than an extra convert slot, and it’s literally the only way most NKs can stand a chance. What’s the NK winrate here?

If you’re talking about regular FoL, the NK winrate here is ‘technically back when Revenant was a thing someone won with it’

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+2 bd means NK isn’t gonna win like ever

NK masons

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NKs need a pick me up :frowning:

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NK already has trouble fighting through that fact that like 1/3 of BD classes can be confirmed not NK

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adding 2 BD slots isn’t the way for that to happen

Yes that makes a big balance difference between games Where there are 3 scumsided neutrals And 1 more neutral neutral