FoL Feedback Thread

I’m only giving my passive 2¢ btw for this
I’d like to hear other people’s opinions

dat softed heretic so he got stabbed.

i wouldn’t stab him as archer if he didnt do those softs

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there’s no harm in trying it imo
better than an elite bg

That was bad heathen play and shouldn’t be the basis of a rework.

Normally, heathens SHOULDNT soft or straight claim heathen.


but it’s about fishing it and finding subconcious things.

I didn’t rolefish as much as heathern-fish. And i fished my heathens and did Process of Elimination to get their classes. It should be the other way around

If you want an Inq rework to make his life easier, make it so guessing wrong just turns his ability off…not suicide.

My idea with Babysitter Knight is to make Guard able to be tinkered with
Either Knight Guard is crazy overpowered or it hits BPs all day

Neither is honestly preferable since swing, especially on that level, is not desirable

inq should be intertwined with the rest of the game(to actually serve a purpose)

i seriously(until a point) didn’t give a fuck who was executed or who was mafia. I just wanted to find heretic softs.

and that shouldn’t be inq’s game

Rolefishing is a lot easier than Heathen-fishing. If you think Inq is too easy, then looking for sorts from people who don’t know they are heathen is so easy.

They do serve a purpose: To change the flow of the game. Like all neutrals do.

very very very false.

the heathens were easy as fuck to fish.

but if they didn’t know they were heathens i would have little clue what their classes actually were

People tend to straight hard claim by D2. You won’t even need to find softs.

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Maybe you’re putting too much on an underdeveloped skill Marshal?
People likely haven’t learned how to properly deal with a Inq


eh heathens will always be decently easy to find as long as they are informed.

and if a player has made 300 posts a day trying to just find heathens you know that they will.

inq’s game w/ informedness is too easy honestly

I think this is the answer.

People have no idea how to behave around Inq…and if they did, they’d do better. All one of the heathens had to do was fake softs or something and Inq is toast.


Think about it like this
Maybe you’re good at reading


anybody who takes the time to read each ISO alone and read the thread and interact enough to find the heretics should have an easy time.

Maybe i had an easier time than most but honestly my wincon was never at threat besides when i needlessly openclaimed.

You can do that regardless of whether they are informed or not. All informing them does is make them aware there’s an Inquisitor in play. Its up to the heathens to play smart from there.

Reward for Inq kill maybe

yeah but im debating that it should be a role-hunt vs. a heretic-hunt