FoL Feedback Thread

Delete alch


Delete alch


wrong thread, my apologies

This choice is blank

Prince jail gets a rewording


Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target (Bypasses occupy immunity) and preventing visits to them. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses


Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night, preventing visits to them. A jailed target cannot take actions by any means. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses


When jail was an occupation bypassing immunity, it meant that jailed targets who had some way of acting while occupied-bypassing-immunity could act in jail ā€“ the most notable example here was Inq being able to stab in jail, but there were also niche interactions involving CW.

Other minor changes:

  • Fixed typo on Mystic class card
  • Ruthless Efficiency can now target the king (since Heretics can become King)

Why canā€™t inq be forced to have a non-BD heathen again?

Having all BD heathens means that the Inq isnā€™t forced to actually interact with the game, and only gives the BD a reason to kill the Inq, making a sort of Scum to Inq teamwork scenario.

Also, kings should get their own seperate category in the class list

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Inq doesnā€™t get non-BD heathens in FoL? TIL

Not guarenteed

You are suggesting Inq should always start with a non-bd heathen? I think thatā€™s TOO townsided. Possibility of non-bd heathen? Thatā€™s more neutral. Also sets up better play potential since you could open claim on last heathen and say they are assassin/CL.

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Way too much reason to just out yourself and your heathens on D1 as Inq with guaranteed scum. That creates an D0 PoE


You arenā€™t told who they are

Just their classes

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So we still would have a BD sided Inq, two confirmed BD and an Inq who can invest and stab his evil target

He canā€™t stab the evil target

The initial rationale for removing the guaranteed scum target was to make Inq less BD-sided ā€“ previously they could just openclaim D1 with very few drawbacks. He still has the potential of an evil starting target (with fewer restrictions than in ToL), itā€™s just not guaranteed.

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Now theyā€™re either a Scum hunter, or a glorified NK

ā€¦Technically speaking, thereā€™s nothing to stop Inq from spawning with both starting evils as Heretics.

Does Inq prolong the game?

Itā€™s complicated

My understanding is that they donā€™t prolong the game if, say, all evils are eliminated, but they can prolong the game in cases where evils would normally have majority, but there are still BD alive

Ok that confuses me