FoL Feedback Thread

Basically scum wincon is “see the BD defeated”

Not gain parity.

So usually game is called if BD have no way of winning and only scum can win

But technically it doesn’t need to be and with an inq calling the game early is unfair as the game ended before the game is technically over.

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I agree and disagree. So like if neuts are out and parity is gained they can vote out and night kill who they want and win game, ending game early here is fine as there is usually no way for town to win unless its all tk left. But Neuts should be considered such as the inq when it comes to ending a game. Game shouldnt end with an inq in game unless all of his targets are of one faction and that faction would be the losing one as you can assume they were wiped out and inq would be happy

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Disagree about the last part in the case of conversion.

Say there’s a bleeding assa and so they convert a heretic maid
Inq wouldn’t win there(or game would have to play out)

yes and no I agree there. Bleeding should be taken in to account if a host is doing a parity end, and thus shouldnt end it as parity wont cease to be held iirc. But yeah conversion should be taken into account when ending especially with an inq in game

Also real dumb idea but what if inq knew his heritic was converted. Would give him fake claim potential to help spin the lynch kill towards a “redchecked” heretic

Nah I don’t agree

That makes it hella townsided as it is basically a tri-scouter

I see what u mean, but in his current iteration hes kinda either townsided or scumsided based on his starting heretics. Im just trying to think of a way to make him more able to flip flop sides mid match and not be a flat one or the other. If you have any ideas id be willing to listen

I think randoinq is fine

Like inq can just… lie about having scum heretic.

So they can’t be trusted.

And even scumsided inq can be more helpful to town than scum

Ehh your right, I guess he is fine

still want to add stirboi as he had 66% approval

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Parity doesnt mean at all that you won
BD can kill evils faster at night than Evils can kill BD at day, if the circumstances are right
Especially with Prince alive
Parity means nothing in tol. You lose majority, you’ll gain it again. Thats really common in tol.

It does if theres no town killing left and u have more votes

But otherwise game shouldnt be called

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In general the only times a game isn’t called at parity are if town can regain it

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Game shouldnt be called early

If there are neutrals alive
If any evil is alive
If BD has still killing power

That have non one faction must win. Wincons

Wait I meant
If any neutral is alive which can side the other side, so theres no real parity
If only cultseen + neut or only bd + neut are alive, of course the game should be called
(Excluding NK of course)

Consider 3 Cult vs 1 BD plus a neut

I think they meant if that other neuts votes with BD makes parity

3 Cult + 1 BD + 1 Neut
Can still be a win for BD afaik? Depends if its daytime or nighttime rn

It’s highly dependent on the specific classes but deciding we will never autoresolve when neuts are alive is ehhhhhh