FoL Feedback Thread

Arete in EFoL 3: ‘it’s fine that we’re mislynching town because I’m NK, townies being out is good for me’
The scumteam with majority on D3: lol


like i think the actual vacuum winrate of 11/2 mountainous is 66/33 scum/town but in reality the wrs are closer to 50/50

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Why should the NK’s winrate be lower than the town or scum’s winrates?

Why should it be higher/the same?

because that’s how it is in ToL.

which is what this is based off of.

and in the end changing that to “nk wins 33% of the time is too far off”

currently i don’t feel NK winrate is really even that close to 15% and so maybe you are overestimating the difficulty a 15% wr Nk presents

Because what fun is a game that you don’t have an equal baseline chance of winning? I mean, if you know you only have a 15% chance, why bother even playing the game at that point?

And aside from that, why should scum and town not be equal in winrates?

…because succeeding at something challenging is more rewarding than succeeding at something easy?

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Also, literally everyone agrees that if you play incredibly well you should have a >15 percent chance to win

There’s a family diner across the street that I supposedly worked at.

Does that mean that every meal I cook has to be related to what’s on their menu?

look i would play a game with a 15% chance of winning

hell i’d play one with a 5% chance lul.

i like games that put me in tough situations where i ended up prevailing more than games where it was an easy win

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Would you accept a game where you won 1 million dollars 15% of the time, but were plummeted into unimaginable debt otherwise?

if your resturant sells is called “thai resturaunt” and has a dish called “thai dish”

i think that dish should be a thai dish don’t you agree?

That is irrelevant. Should I be only cooking thai meals?


but i enjoy FM winning or losing.

Then why would you accept it for something far less meaningful?

no. and this resturaunt has a lot of other meals to try out if you are so picky about the thai one.

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…no, because I don’t want to be plummeted into unimaginable debt

I don’t think losing as NK is really comparable


If I shouldn’t be only cooking thai, then why should FoL only be cooking thai?

well if we seperate FoL from this site then maybe because it’s whole premise is based off of being based off of ToL.

that’s it’s whole gimmick

taking that away just makes it a normal FM type game

Would you take the bet if in losing you were told that you couldn’t have won with 15% anyway?