FoL Feedback Thread

What if you only got the low% each time?

well it would be unlikely but iā€™d still be mature and try

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Would it not feel unfair every time you lost, because the game was intentionally rigged against you?

again you are exaggerating

if i lost but there is something i could have done to win that i didnā€™t, iā€™d rather focus on that more than my low starting win %.

if there was 0 way for me to win or something was inheretly rigged then sure.

but you are again exaggerating this whole thing and this isnā€™t what FoL is

The game is rigged so that your average would always be 15%

and thereā€™s still a 15% chance i can win.

and iā€™d try to make that as high as possible.

because the reward(internet clout and pride) is higher if i do end up winning

No, you only get a 7.5% chance to win.

For what itā€™s worth, Priestess, I donā€™t see people replacing out in FM as necessarily comparable to replacing out in ToL

For one thing, replacing out is generally accompanied by someone else replacing in, which means that youā€™re not leaving your team with no recourse

Additionally, FoL is a much greater time commitment than ToL, and runs over a much longer period. Itā€™s reasonable to expect people to have enough of a sense of their plans for the next half an hour that they donā€™t join a game of ToL if theyā€™re going to have to do something urgent in 5 minutes; itā€™s far easier for you to get injured and land in the hospital, or be too sick to play, or have a family emergency, or be unexpectedly scheduled to work 60 hours at your job because itā€™s the holiday season, and given that youā€™ve spoken out against people sacrificing their personal wellbeing for FM I feel like ā€˜accept that sometimes people are going to have to replace outā€™ is a reasonable step towards accomplishing an actually reasonable balance

Iā€™ve never replaced out of a game, but I also think that if we want to ensure that FM can be a place where people flourish, itā€™s important to protect peopleā€™s right to replace out, so that people with legitimate reasons donā€™t end up worried that theyā€™re doing something wrong by replacing out

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Thatā€™s literally not how it works but okay

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i donā€™t know what ur on about

but substitue 15 with 7.5 and my point still stands

7.5 was suggested by Orange, so Iā€™m using that.

thinking face

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well i disagree with that number personally

if you wish to argue against my point use 15%.

but iā€™d still play a class that had a 7.5% chance of winning because i like FM and it would be fun to try

In any case, youā€™re conflating the average chance to win with your personal chance to win

If you play NK well, your chances of winning will(/should) go up

If you play poorly, your chances of winning should go down

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Even if you play amazingly, others have an average of 50% of playing better than you, lowering your winrate, even if you play good.

We balance for the majority

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Why should we balance for the majority? What if you never roll the majority?


so are you saying no matter how well you play that 50% of players will play better than you???

what r u trippin on

I meant majority of ppl not uninformed majority

Thatā€™s not how any of this works