FoL Feedback Thread

On average, it will be that at least one team is better than you 50% of the time.

thatā€™s not how skill works

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And why should be balance for good players? Why not balance for players who intentionally lose?


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If you are the NK and try to intentionally lose you should lose

this is less true for BD/Cultseen because you might still get carried by your teammates, but trying to lose should generally lower your odds of winning

Shut up, sketch.


Itā€™s okay, Fool is an actually good class now

Why should I lose if I try to lose? Why not balance over the loser?

Obviously means that majority of players arent best players And playing against better players wich have more chance of appearing since youre just 1 Person is really hard when youre also in disadvantage because of your class

Fuck you Sketch



Okay but Jakeā€™s statement is still factually wrong

nah I still love you buddy :slight_smile:

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Arete, why shouldnā€™t we balance for the bad players?

I literally never said that I just said that how well you play in a given game should affect how often you win

Do you contest this

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Hey, youā€™re the one who tagged me to return

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Ah there we go

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Is it really? What changed?

Good in FoL or ToL?


it is no longer a jester

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Yes, I would. Even if you are a good player, there are others who can also affect your winrate by playing better than you.