FoL Feedback Thread

Should the chances be 9/12, 2/12, and 1/12? Thats the number of factioned players.

LOL no

But the big group has a bigger win!!!

Like, Iā€™m frustrated that I canā€™t defend my poimt and understand yoir point.

honestly im done arguing with jake lul

itā€™s like arguing against a brick wall who has no grasp of reason and who found the wikipedia page for logical fallacies and throws them out randomly

i trust in the balance team to do well.

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You didnā€™t even post a link to it.

So someone whoā€™s main goal is to kill like 17 other players should have the same chance a 1/18 chance. That way those that work together like a smart towncore or a good scumteam can add their percentages together as they are playing smart. Inherently an nks chances raises the more people are dead from a 1/18 to a 1/17 and so on. That way if he is smart and plays both sides and not just one or the other while also being not in poe they can make it to endgame. Itā€™s a hard role not something people are used to thatā€™s why they usually lose. It requires a lot of effort and practice to win. Which is hard when u only have a 1/18 chance of rolling the class. The NK is a hard class I think they are balanced how they are right now, and if someone tries enough they can win the game.

Why is the NK required to kill other neutrals?

He isnt, unless they pose a threat to his life

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I mean yeah? You donā€™t balance when itā€™s at the expense of fun. You get as close as you can get to perfect balance given the need to preserve fun.

This is why Balance is the FINAL step in designing a new mechanic or class. Since you balance the game for the design instead of designing the game for the balance.

This doesnā€™t change balance ideals. It just means that actually reaching those ideals are low on the list of priorities usually.

Then where are you getting 1/18 from?

games on Imperium 42 forum is getting us to very edge, you know?

Eh well realistically as a player u should have a 1/18 chance to win. As thatā€™s the number of players. Realistically then Nk has a 1/17 or 1/16

Impossible. Giving each possible winstate a 1/18 chance doesnā€™t add up to 100%

So then the BD should have an ~10/18 vollective win chance?

Specifically there is

BD win
Cultseen win

Thatā€™s 4 different outcomes. So the minimum odds is 25%

Like realistically if theh played at peak performance yes. But they never do as mislynches happen

Yeah but draws shouldnt be a factor and NK isnt something thatā€™s on the same scale of the other two and shouldnt have a 33% chance as them. Nk is smaller but is supposed to be the thing that balances the two main ones. It should be like 15 37.5 37.5

Draws are only listed for the purposes of being complete. Itā€™s a possible outcome of a game so it goes on the list.

We should aim to minimize those