FoL Feedback Thread


candlelight was a solid meme

I convinced enough people that it could possibly in theory be a play that the last town KP got lynched instead

then I had a double-vote-negater and just did that in F3

also the gameā€™s balance had already been thrown out of whack thanks to three townies getting themselves modkilled on D1

In any case, if we canā€™t agree on an even winrate, we canā€™t agree on an NK deaign, so all we could do is speculate on what the people would do. For all we know, the hypothetical NK can strongman kill any voters on itself.

SE did it better

whats e


Whatā€¦ why do you think that?
A lot of people told me here: neutrals are scum.
And we always were able to hunt NKs and neuts in ToL and in FoL.

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its possible but just a lot more finnicky and less reliable


Well itā€™s not our fault people arenā€™t solo hunting.

I reckon if we had more candlelights, weā€™d have a more capable population of finding solo scum

Thatā€™s not really the same thing tbh

At this point itā€™s basically the difference between a stricter definition of scumhunting and a looser one

But suffice to say that the whole point of the game has been to find the group of people trying to keep their own interactions hidden for 34 years for a reason

Yea Iā€™ve just never heared about the definition you are using, and Iā€™m here now for over a year
I always thought ā€œscumhuntingā€ = hunting scum. And scum doesnā€™t mean to be only the informed minority
Come on, neutrals and Serial Killers and their like arenā€™t that uncommon in FM. You all here preached me way too long that neutrals are scum (which Iā€™m disagreeing with), you canā€™t just say ā€œoh we lied all along, neuts arenā€™t scumā€ :eyes: (while NK being scum is obvious since you NEED to kill him in order to win)

Iā€™m not saying that, but ā€œscumhuntingā€ tends to imply an informed minority, and Iā€™m just trying to be clear about the distinction Iā€™m making here

Like yes you can absolutely catch non-teamed scum

But itā€™s fundamentally different and no longer really the same game

Hence my statement

Plus that scales way worse without mechanics

Consider a mountainous multiball with 1-person scumteams that win together

Thatā€™s essentially completely random because the only distinction between players is a very tiny difference in how much they want to live

Thatā€™s kinda what Iā€™m getting at

We are talking here about ToL/FoL and not about mountainous right?
And in Tol NK-hunting is extremely important, for both cultseen and BD


Weā€™re talking about the concept of scumhunting and how it relates to FoL

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Do they know thereā€™s multiple teams

Doesnā€™t really matter all that much tbh