FoL Feedback Thread

As in

That’s not the point of focus

The main idea is that sans mechanics finding solo players becomes disproportionately harder

Finding groupscum I’m substantially harder than than scenario but you could still look for two people trying to soft to eachother in that situation

Just trying to find one serial killer in a group of town without mechanics is near impossible

The idea was this wouldn’t really happen because A it’s the one singular thing that makes you look scummy, B it’s known by the majority what this faction would be so softing secretly is effectively impossible, and C you need to find that player in the first place while A and B force them to blend in

But yes this is the most extreme you can take finding NK

For me it was moreso the difference between NK and a faction that I was highlighting

I meant the scenario is harder than groupscum I can’t word



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Sorry I didn’t know we went offtopic. I thought you are trying to help with making FoL NK more feasible.

“We” haven’t at all

It’s a discussion on NK winrates. If you think that’s off-topic compared to

then I don’t agree with you, as I am quite certain it is relevant, even if not identical.

Additionally, I will point out that the wording there could easily be seen as you aggressively attacking me for “going off-topic” when I’m continuing a discussion others started and that is relevant. I know you don’t mean it that way, but it is worth noting that from the receiving end it’s very easy to take as an insult. :+1:


may i suggest we stop trying to make serial killers an inherrent part of our balance and stop balancing for quasi-multiball, and just have them as an option for SFoLs or Traditional FoL

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That hated him

For he spoke the truth

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bearing in mind that i like serial killers
but they’re severely limiting our design space right now

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“BD too strong”

“remove NK”

risky move :thinking:

But if we revert to 16 that probably works just fine and solves the issues we went to 18 for in the first place

While I do like the NK’s in general, I also think that balance is not sufficient justification to have them.

It’s easier to just balance not having them in the first place.


well obviously we can’t just rip out something we’ve been balancing around because it’s a cool thing, but the balance of NKs has always been a huge issue (see: revenant, druid, lich, etc.) and we have to ask if it’s worth it for them to be relegated to a non-essential element of the setup at this point

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bearing in mind that giving a setup a Serialkillerectomy is not something i would support unless I thought it might actually just be neccecary

Stop pretend that FoL is a FM
FoL is a mix of FM and ToL.
It’s neither nor.

no, it’s FM using a ToL setup. those design elements don’t undermine the fundamental principles of mafia, they just test them.

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There are only a few people who know how to balance FoL: and that’s the fol players themselves!
Not some tol players like me who never play fol
Not some FM players like you who never play fol