FoL Feedback Thread

If you are ready to help, be welcome!
But please not just with the usual “remove NK, remove neuts, remove Prince” stuff we know from you

wait what


do you even know ici


Anyways helping and suggesting changes you disagree with are not mutually exclusive

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i only dislike neutrals when they’re bad neutrals. i do admittedly have an immense dislike for Prince, but honestly the class is in a pretty good place right now?

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like serial killers are a great design element. they’re unique, their playstyle is unique, etc. removing neuts from FoL entirely would be absolutely disastrous, as 90% of the sources of information in the game presume their existence

but removing a specific design element from the setup because it’s been causing problems for use? that’s not something that should be rejected out of hand just because it’s a bit radical

That sounds a lot better.
Okay… what would you say to the problems we have rn, aka “fol is way too townsided, NK has no winchance”? I listed a few suggestions which came up in this thread, what is your opinion to them?
(and yea Solic made a pretty good version of the Strigoi a bit later)

there’s not really much you could do to remove neuts from the game in any real capacity without actually destroying the core of the setup. but removing one specific wincon group? totally viable.

My solution to NK having no winchance but creating massive amounts of swing is to remove it, and my solution for FoL being too v-sided is to add more neutrals in the wake of the death of the NK to counterbalance that fact.

that doesn’t sound like enough though tbh, so we’d have to try some attempts to buff the wolves in addition to removing NK in this hypothetical EFoL

Removing it seems to solve that

Cutting back down on players helps with BD-sidedness

He’s literally answering those exact questions


okay fuck that

At most 1

And just guarantee a NE

Or We can buff scum faction insted

idk it’s the idea that makes the most sense to me?

what do you think the last paragraph meant if not that?

I am reffering to adding neuts part

FoL was scumsided at 16p before

I wouldn’t discount the effect of going back on the changes for 18p

And that change was made to increase game length

Which removing NK also solves

I’m telling you just EFoL it