FoL Feedback Thread

/vote Arete

omg scum start lolkatzeing and ATEing food

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Itā€™s pepega tier inefficiency

Power roles such as invests take advantage of this
Not enough kills going out allows invests to solve game like pretty damn easily

/grand trial Geyde

I didnā€™t know that would make such impact? :thinking:

I also donā€™t see the application here? This is in regards to NK needing invest immunity? ~Itā€™s been a long day.

please tell me self-GTs are a thing

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should I?



why would we ever need this


Itā€™s CS Prince meme tier so maybe I just allow it

You can self target w/ Grand Trial. There is no effective reason to do this, but you can do it.


thereā€™s probably some reason why it would theoretically be a good play as EK in some niche circumstance???

technically you can do it to add extra time on the clock
so thatā€™s a reasonable strategy

The more dumb shit I add to the setup the higher quality it becomes


how about we add dumb shit but remove problematic dumb shit
like NKs

We will remove NKs
And replace them with Gamers

gamers rise up and get a 100% winrate

NKs are oppressed by society and minorities
Gamers are oppressed by society and minorities

Have you ever seen NKs and Gamers in the same room? I think NOT

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But a theoretical NK removal would come as a result of an inherent problem with NKs:

They are not fun to play, and they are not fun to play against. They plague the game with their swinginess, and make changes difficult to make due to being against both main factions.

I liked them