FoL Feedback Thread

Fool bad
But fool essential
Fool still bad tho
But fool essential

The hardest choices require the strongest wills

no other neutral has as much utility and KP as all the NKs, so really just having a bunch of neutrals is an acceptableā„¢ level of swing.

And neutrals are equally problematic in that proposed unseen/cult buff is my point.

yes, but in particular neutral killers. ooops! It turns out that youā€™ve accidentally proven my point correct. (you are right though, BD doesnā€™t have an overabundance of protection required for that to work)

I now take what you said several months ago out of context because I want to end this discourse

Being able to read for neutrals is a skill mafia should have
And balancing around the notion that they wonā€™t be able to is a disservice to all RTSDG

Ergo they should just play better 5head

why doesnt an nk just win lol just kill everyone

how to win as nk


how did i fuck this post up like 3 times

Just git gud my dude
Just outskill town


If you arenā€™t angry after a loss, youā€™ve lost twice
Therefore you should always be angry and show it to show how much you care


god ninja is a gold mine

you forgot the number one trick to playing well as any faction

self-vote, ATE, and demand that people lynch whichever villager is pushing you the hardest after the flip

the real reason FoL has balance issues is that we donā€™t count self-votes


winrate 100

You can now self vote

Is this an actual change

You can no kill and frame players like that. I think this is just a power all offensives have. Having supports out there can also cause this effect if no scum is jailed.

You can suicide as Cult for that. Acolyte, Ritualist counter it and even fake clear them then. Mastermind can convert whoever is occupying. Mastermind is occupy immune. Unseen probably has enough converts that work against this too. If youā€™re at 3 members, youā€™re not at a typically bad position anyways. Occupy immunity kicks in after 3 times, so itā€™s capped too, so I donā€™t think it is so dire that it needs additional measures, but I have nothing against it really on the other hand.


the gamer strats are enacting

Yes. A Possessor canā€™t force someone to shadow vote self tho

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selfvoting as town in mountainous 15er i think was a gamewinning strategy so this is true

like unironically i think it won town the game that i selfvoted like every day

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