FoL Feedback Thread

Be the change you want to see in the world

Also wait thatā€™s definitively untrue because FoL has already been hosted on other sites lmao

Oh is that so? I was thinking tol has all rights on it, but I have no idea about that stuff.

Thatā€™sā€¦ decidedly not really how that works

these conversations are getting more and more absurd
next weā€™re going to be arguing about whether itā€™s mean to consign 25% of our players to a bad allignment that is terrible and awful :^)


Stop accusing me of shit like this. I didnā€™t lie. You just have no idea what a bastard game means and so you ragequit during D2 because the game just differed slightly from what a normal FoL would be like.


To add, Prince being redirected has occurred in other FoLs as well. That does not make a FoL bastard.


Calm down. I did not intend to call you out.

Like I already said, I fully respect your gender, I didnt use the female gender because I didnt want to call you out.

then you could have just used they instead of he?

It was pretty obvious that that comment was aimed at me when you said that the host lied.

As I said before, I didnā€™t lie. A day redirecter working on the Prince isnā€™t bastard as there is nothing that prevents day-redirects like the old PoF from working, so my game was not bastard.


Yes. I probably should have. I often use he as neutral pronomina cuz its this way in my native language. It was not intended to hurt someone.

Thatā€™s fair, but please stop claiming that I lied when I said the game was not bastard.

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Yes, Iā€™m aware of that. iā€™m not a very good german speaker but i have a firm grasp on the basics. this is just a big misunderstanding, but you canā€™t blame alice for being angry for what seemed to be somebody misgendering her.

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Yes I understand that, Iā€™m not a fan of getting misgendered myself.

other points: back when there actually was day redirection in ToL, prince could not be redirected in the actual game, but this was never noted by FoL hosts when the rolecards were written. given that alice had not joined until just before the end of the beta, you likewise canā€™t blame her for resolving the text as written despite the fact that it was originally programmed to do otherwise

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I think no NK deserves at least Efol

in her eyes there was no ambiguity that would cause her to default to ToL rules, which is why she didnā€™t check for what ToL resolved that exact interaction as. this created a massive misunderstanding that quite frankly is tiring to hear being brought up repeatedly.

Yea I understood that later, when I have read an old Fol. But in that situation, I was just completely baffled, because it seemed so absurd for me as tol player, and I didnā€™t know it was handled earlier in Fol this way.

personally i prefer it being resolved this way but in fairness i always prefer less immunity to abilities as opposed to more