FoL Feedback Thread

fine i’ll draft an SFoL that has no nks but has a great variety of cool neutrals are you happy now


Technically this was possible on FoL as well. This happened in one of the games hosted by Moleland.

Exactly. It was an honest mistake that anybody would have made.

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Plus my reaction was funny

As early as FoL2 Prince redirection has occurred

I have no idea what happened in the quoted game but it seems to me that somebody making assumptions about FoL based on what happens in a different game rather than what happens in FoL probably doesn’t have any good reason to be angry?

Beyond that whether or not it should be a thing is ultimately up to how FoL works, and really shouldn’t rely on “what does ToL do?”

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And that I think is a much more productive discussion point if we’re going to have a conversation about this

In the current Fol Prince is redirectimmune so there shouldn’t be any unclarity left.

Yes I agree, my point was if there’s any discussion there it would be over whether or not redirecting Prince could be useful.

I’m fine with keeping it as-is but there’s, like, no other actually useful discussions to have on the topic.

For example, the ToS Witch controlling of Jailor is sometimes useful

Something like that could be legitimately neat

make prince night redirect immune
do not make prince day redirect immune

sorta gives prince more of an incentive not to out


But like

Forcing a Prince to execute their target is great

Forcing a Prince to not execute your partner is great

im not sold but they just shouldn’t have straight redirection immunity as it just gives prince too much uncounterablity

I feel like it’s a better idea to let scum who know who Prince is and who they have jailed mess with that then it is to make them macho, as I’ve heard thrown around

This weakens Prince and also weakens massclaims without being as swingy as macho Prince might be, although it does admittedly rely on scum converting a role that can occupy or redirect, but tbh that’s probably fine because most games have that


It’s impossible to stop the prince from executing the target.

I was here, it was nightmare to be there, however it’s the most memorable game

You can’t jailexe Possessor at that time and old fool got lynched xD

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Definitely a top 10 game

Oh and Physician manage to heal one person and that was outed Invoker :eyes:

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