FoL Feedback Thread

Classic :ok_hand:

Feedback is a thing

Yeah, I used deduction you were the bad guy

We still decide to lynch someone else scummy, bad idea.

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And that is how Prince jail themselves with Bewilder



That was definitely a top 10 game :stuck_out_tongue:

im actually glad that you did this.
Gave me an idea for what to do when the Duke is targeted by redirecting abilities that bypass redirection immunity in my Virtuous setup, like Hunter Call to Arms.

i don’t think it’s possible to copyright a setup. This applies to FoL as well as every other FM setup run here and on other sites. So long as it’s credited to the original creator, it almost always ends up being permitted online.
The copyright that i42 possesses for ToL has absolutely nothing to do with FoL, and because FoL has been run on other sites, I sincerely doubt this sort of copyright for FoL exists or is even possible to ever exist.
correct me if i’m wrong @orangeandblack5

I mean

I’m sure if Imperium 42 wanted they could stop us from using their class and faction names elsewhere

But just changing what things are called would fix that and there’s about a 0% chance they bother with the hassle that would be to pursue

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they would never spend the time to go through that hassle IMO.
they care so little about the forum community compared to ToL.

Candle Light and even though we lynched a wolf every day (maybe except once) we lost

@DatBird let’s finish insurgency, like soon

uh sure

figure we’ll both have the time to finish it now b/c of the pandemic

Wasnt Geyde like banned for a couple of games for exactly this?

oh God jojo had a lot, but thats also i started the game with pretty much empty slots after a mass group of people joined and left at the same time, while some stayed and was in a limbo of wether they would play or not

I’m not going to do this later, because well I actually don’t feel like it tbh. I think we’re all on the same page on how to handle it, so what good is dredging up past games and getting statistics. :man_shrugging:

lol poison
lol arete




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Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?