FoL Feedback Thread

There will be multiple big changes coming soon™


to fix most of the small errors left by efol changes

What about the next patch tho

I know you must know what Bos has coming

You are a mod :eyes:

and you are a tester, orange

this is the fol changes thread not the TOL patch notes :thinking:

EFoL 2???


Make it delay someone’s action by a night not counting occupation immunity

mate u didnt realize that cookies did you coward

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FoL Changes


  • Shadow Whisper has been removed.
  • A new ability, Anstreim’s Anguish has been added.

Anstreim’s Anguish (Night) - Curse a player. If that player is brought to trial tomorrow during the day, the trial will automatically resolve in execution, ending the day short. This can only be overturned by a King’s “Decide Fate - Pardon”, which the current king will have 12 hours to use. No discussion may happen in thread during these 12 hours. - 1 use


  • Defile’s uses has been lowered from 3 to 2.
  • Drug has been removed.
  • A new night ability, Pseudocide has been added.

Pseudocide (Night) - Fake the death of one of your fellow Unseen, preventing them from dying and causing them to appear as ‘Not Suspicious’ to the Sheriff tonight. - 3 uses


Wouldn’t it be easier to make it heal their target and making their target NS. Also why is the uses lowered.

That’s what it does
“Prevent them from dying” is exactly how the physcian’s heal is worded

but the wording sounded like they actually died

Defile is too strong with less feedback, and pseudocide is much stronger than drug
Herbalist would be too strong


nah, the ‘fake their death’ bit is just flavor


Can the apostle Ability be used on cult for max WIFOM potential

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Train of thought when coming up with the flavor
“How the heck would a doctor make you avoid the detection of a cop”


yes, absolutely
you just can’t use it on yourself

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k I’m content.