FoL Feedback Thread

  • Nerf Priest
  • Buff Mystic

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im in a nerf everything mood

doesnā€™t tol cs self cancel to prevent redirection shenanigans

Delete Mystic.

yeah ok forums

but thatā€™s the thing
itā€™s not guarenteed
itā€™s KP thatā€™s out of the control of the main wolfteam
and crosskills
and the game becomes much more dependent on when the NK dies, whereas Cultseen firepower is somewhat replacable, if not fully

ā€¦ What about a slight nerf to Priest and a slight buff to Mystic?

Can we have a 3rd option that just says rework both so they both go on the same power level?

nah nah nah, slight isnā€™t enough.

A complete overhaul for both.

Entirely rework both?

Yes, thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayin


thing is hypotheticals are like none helpful, suggestions on what buffs and nerf u would make is what would need to be considered. Not small buff and small nerf

statistically more likely to kill town and NK doesnā€™t want scum to die early either

Suicide Guilt was changed not because ā€˜Suicide Guilt is badā€™ but instead because ā€˜Redirection Guilt is badā€™

In Conclusion as someone who commited suicide in the recent FoL game, I agree.

whereā€™s the both option
necromancy plus deadspeak is strong but mystic is sad and weak

you do realise just because thereā€™s only a 25% chance of it happening doesnā€™t help much when it completely changes the setup

Setup designers can literally design setups to not need kp from nk

no suicide guilt is swingy as absolute fuck and thats part of why it was changed

which is literally in the post youā€™re replying to

also i stand by your shot on PK being objectively bad, fight me

suicide guilt due to redirection is badder though

this is literally just if NK killed pure random
a decent NK would try to avoid yeeting scum early game

I do also, fight me.

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