FoL Feedback Thread

Non-mastermind becomes lock v
you’re welcome

you tried to occ the jailed maid

look it’s not just going to be “give wolves an extra starting member”
we’ll also probably buff roles across the board as well as wolfsided neuts

you didnt claim to be a catgirl so you were fake

i could go on for a long time on poor balance
tol is a turbo setup and you can’t balance it without ditching some traditional stuff

nks are not the core of the setup
conversion and multiple abilities are

katze take

NK bad

removing NK also bad because it’s not even forum of lies anymore its just bastard rolemadness /shrug

with that said im not opposed to experimenting with it!

i don’t think we should hinge our entire setup on a single unbalanced feature that people don’t even find particularly fun

it’s 12:42am
So it’s obviously the best time to make aggressive ‘catch-all’ statements

it’s fun
just really

have you ever randed NK recently

fol is already very far deviated from tol but


nk is a thing

You need to butcher massive parts of FoL to make the setup more ‘in the player’s hands’
the game as of now hinges almost entirely on d1/n1/d2/n2

ban lying


Why does everyone want to remove NK so much?

It just removes the threat to BD and Unseen of a 3rd Party KP.

And no, just giving Unseen ‘more KP’ doesn’t help that problem, it makes it worse.


because it’s swingy KP that, when crosskills happen, nearly breaks the setup

Wolf Faction KP is the least swingy KP possible because it can only hit lost partners. On the other end of the scale, NK KP is the most swingy KP possilbe because not only can it be innacurate but accuracy is not make-or-break for it, unlike for v or w kp.

This is due to numerous factors, some of which I’ll list and some of which should be obvious:

  • scum+ nature of many town abilities (invest/offensive/killing) means that hitting scum with “any of the abilities that are good against scum” shifts game massively in the favor of town. These are minimized by some of scum’s mechanics but they do not diminish their game winning impact. BD can get tons of these in a given rand and could just not get them in another
  • scum are very restricted, but they are very powerful. if they start to go off they often just win because of the snowbally nature of converts giving access to more options
  • KP is potentially massive on both sides.