FoL Feedback Thread

co-hosted FoL 28, was in FoL 27

not in a recent FoL

Was in FoL 29

Was in FoL 29

cohosted FoL 28

hasn’t been in a recent FoL

was in FoL 29


fwiw i think priestess was specifically replying to orange

who i don’t think has been directly involved in a FoL game since before i started playing here

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I was replying to myself mostly
Cuz I sucked in fol balance
Maybe a bit to orange
But def not I meant the whole thread
I’m not blind :wink:

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I think I’ve been in every recent FoL either hosting or playing ever since like FoL 23?

Has anyone actually been talking about this outside of katze’s joke

Also it seemed fairly obvious to me that was directed at herself in context :man_shrugging:

Also if we’re talking raw number of FoLs played I have a good chunk of you guys beat :rofl:

And yet

such is life

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i kind of hope not

even if its bastard in the traditional sense

even if people don’t agree with me on what should or shouldn’t be changed to keep FoL somewhat similar to ToL (i suspect i have less lenient views here than most)

removing conversion is like, no

its not FoL at that point

ok boomer

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It’s been over a year since the Fool rework

How do y’all feel about it? Has it achieved its goal? Could further improvements be made?

Mostly directed at people who have played with both versions but am not against hearing people who have only played with new Fool as well

PKR played it in the Recent FoL

PKR played really well (Even though he got caught mechanically and should have been a lynch target, but i digress, and people thought ATNo was the fool lol).

It was fine, had a solid impact on the game. Solid overall tbh.

The goal was to discourage punishing BD for making a correct lynch and stopping players from playing poorly intentionally, as far as I know.

I suppose one issue it could have potentially is that it has the ability to manipulate their own flip. I’ve never seen a false flip from a Fool (or at least, one that wasn’t obvious) so I can’t really say as to whether it is good or not.

Def better than the old Fool though.


It was moreso to accomplish all of that while filling a similar niche as old Fool, but bringing actual value to the game rather than dragging it down

So if the niche it fills now sucks it would have failed at its goal even if it is still an improvement (“better than hot garbage” doesn’t necessarily mean “good”)

And that’s kinda what I want to get a feel for

I think new Fool is good.
I know, complex take.

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Just remove nk lmao

This will make the People who roll NK happy (don’t have to play as NK)

And non-NK (don’t have to deal with NK)

i like NK

No you don’t

NK works in TOL because it’s much heavier mechanicaly and is a turbo

Kinda sucks in FoL where mech is considerably weaker (makes NK considerably stronger when it should be the opposite) and games are too short

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Also shorten D1 or add a D1 lynch


D1 in FoL is like 10 seconds and not used for any actual discussion

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