FoL Feedback Thread

Add kidnapper to FoL
Knows people’s ip addresses

Add in a neutral that has to win Rock Paper Scissors twice for its wincon

And if it beats the enemy in rock paper scissors he kills them


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A fool supporter upvoted fool bad

Our propaganda to delete fool is working

Soon we can pray on all the newbies

Why do we keep using pray instead of prey

Ita a representation of our degrading mental state caused by attempting to balance FoL/ToL

Fair enough

Why don’t we just advertise that we have FoL on this forum but just
Run it once in a blue moon
Every three months? Six?
Hell, why don’t we just have the only FoL that runs ‘regularly’ NFoL

We keep the authenticity but if we were to ever try to revive it then we have the opportunity
And we keep the tradition alive as well. Kind of.

make it open source
let people make their version of FoL

Isn’t that SFoL

but like
lower the bar for what constitutes substantial change to FoL

hm, do we discuss now.

I, as head FoL guy, don’t give a shit

Well we can’t quite take it to cookie thread now huh

Exactly :^)

I jokingly said to criticize all neutrals

I am not disappointed

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Coming from Tos FM I actually enjoy the Fol format more then normal ones (I hardly play fm here and likely won’t really play anymore in the lack of fol)

I realise I’m the vast minority here and that Fol needs to be balanced or removed so it doesn’t take up space for other games that the majority of people would have fun in.

fol brought me here too because it looked cool :tm: and fun :tm:
i wouldn’t remove it
i’m not saying it can ever be perfect and it’s obviously flawed but
it’s important to our identity


and depending on what you want from a game it can be really fun to play
some people just like mechanical messes and swing

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