FoL Feedback Thread

So this would be the old timer in me talking, but occupation is the act of preventing someones night action.

BUT, I can see that you want to make occupation into “prevent someones X action” where X is day/night depending on the cycle, which I guess can work with some wording tweaks… probably.

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Yes that’s all I want to be consistent across the board

That’s not a hypothetical. Those wording tweaks actually happened.

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The Assassin :star:

Unseen Killer
Apprentice (Passive) - If the Mastermind dies or is crowned King, you will take their place. This passive will pass on to the next converted player if you are crowned King. (Starting Assassin only)
Hidden Blade (Day) - Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared) :crown:
Distract (Day) - Target player will be unable to use their day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 Use (shared)
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses :crown:
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared) :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

From a balance perspective the only change is whether occ immune classes can be prevented from using day abilities in this way, correct?

This might actually be a linguistic issue where day is by some considered the 24h cycle.
Or at least that’s what it’s for me.

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Like keeping it separate does make it more like tol and easier yes for those joining from the server. But from a FM side it doesnt make sense since these are things used across tons of other sites. Like with the current system we can even make new classes that are day occ proof but weak to it at night but with changing silence to be going through you only get night occ immunity

FM side?

I thought we are playing FoL :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s how it is currently and how it is intended to play even if cases like FOL 21 come up where mod interpretation can change the rules a bit

What does the f in FOL and FM stand for. And what category of games would you call tol

Make your rules more clear and better than the tol rules are… then we can talk about it. But if it’s just for the sake of “making the game similiar to FM instead of ToL”, then it’s a clear NO.

They are already

But that’s subjective, to me and a lot of others they are. But to you where your deadset on just making this 48 hour tol I cant help ya

I want the best of both worlds. Clear rules AND the specialties of FoL.

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So what’s unclear about distract being an occ. Just because it doesnt follow tol exactly does it make sense on why we have it as an occ

Because it’s two different core rules you are merging for no apparent reason? Please explain why it’s better to merge them, from a balance perspective.

Makes it easier to keep day occs in check.

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Its clearer as everything is more consistent, it allows more unique classes to be made where some are only day occ and some are night occ immune if we choose to have it, and from a balance perspective it doesnt make balance that much different other than buffing certain classes to be stronger.

That’s my arbitrary glossary for rule key words.

Attack: An attack is an ability that will kill a player unless they are *death immune*. An attack can also be *healed*.
Bleeding: A bleeding player will die after two nights if they are not *healed*. This is caused by certain day abilities.
Class Type: Each class has a type, which is displayed in the class cards. The types are investigative, killer, offensive, social, special and support.
Conversion: The act of converting a Blue Dragon player to the Unseen or Cult. Their class will change to an evil variation of their original.
Conversion immune: Players who cannot be converted. This can be permament or temporary.
Death delay: A Chronomancer can delay deaths for two nights. Delayed deaths can be healed or blocked by deathimmunity.
Death immune: Players who cannot be killed at night (except by bleeding). This can be permanent or temporary.
Frame: A framed player will appear suspicious to Blue Dragon players investigating them (They appear as k/o Cultseen, or if they were already k/o, they will find them as s/i, and they appear as compatible with Cultseen and incompatible with BD. An Observer who follows a framed target will see them visiting a person who died that night, or else a random visit if no one died)
Heal: Healing a player will prevent their death and cure any bleeding.
Imprison: The Prince can imprison a player every night. They will not be able to use their abilities, and the Prince can anonymously communicate with them.
Conduit: The Mystic has the ability to link minds at night. Linked players are able to talk to each other.
Occupy: The act of preventing a player from using their ability at night. After being occupied or redirected 3 times, a player will become immune to both.
Occupy & Redirection Immune: Players who cannot be occupied or redirected. This can be permanent or temporary.
Redirect: The act of changing a player's target at night. After being occupied or redirected 3 times, a player will become immune to both.
Royal Blood: Classes with this passive have votes for them to become King count twice.
Silence: A silenced player is unable to use their abilities for the rest of the day.
Unique: If a class is unique, that means there can only be one alive at a time.

Not finished yet, so please don’t hit me with your newspaper :stuck_out_tongue: