FoL Feedback Thread

Is it only because you want to make hero shots


I mean, deduction like this isn’t possible for Chronomancer why?

fuck she’s on to me


But the spirit of the game is basically against that :eyes:

What’s the point of “you can shoot without the consent of your fellow villagers” if you can only shoot people who the village is sure are wolves?

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It’s not about consent
It’s about acting responsible and not shooting the next town you see, just because you don’t like them
(I’ve seen that too often)

Ever heard of catching up as BD due to Prince being dead or missing your lynches.
CS is a great tool to buy time so you don’t get into LyLo.

we balance for good players, not bad ones


I’m pretty sure you would say that person is a very good player.

What’s the entry point to be considered a good player?
Do you consider yourself a good player?
How many players on average are “good” in a standard FoL game?

Also we balance for… the average player. Not outliers.

Nothing but Its Usually not possible to determine kills on info given And you need to assume you will guess before Who the right target is to defend (wich as knight would achieve in attackers death) So you can get chance at using same ability knight can use

tell me exactly who you’re referring to, please

You know her

We physically can’t balance for average players.
That almost always leads to above-average players to be able to abuse the mechanic.

tell me exaclty which Alice shot we’re talking about

Please answer, @Icibalus

A good player has good reads, generally tries hard, and is good at convincing people.
On a good day I’m pretty good, but i’m very inconsistent due to my tendency to misread at least one wolf per game
generally I’d say there’s about 6 on a list, tbh, but quite often there’s more or less


I have horrible reads, I think I’m trying hard in my games, I’m good at convincing people (probably).
I don’t think I’m a good player and I don’t think I will ever be one.
Shouldn’t the game allow me to enjoy myself while playing it? When you “balance around good players” you just make the bad/average/newcomer more intimidated by the setup. They will worry about screwing up, about being the reason their faction lost.

Also if ~6/16 players are “good”, then the majority of the game is bad or average. Shouldn’t the game be enjoyable by everyone, even those that can’t 3000iq deduce someone to be evil because they said “pancakes”.

Balancing should be done for the average, while keeping both extremes in mind. You don’t try to make the game only enjoyable for the top because then you create a game thats hard to get into and frankly, it dies off and gets replaced by something different.
You have to find a sweet spot that allows your average player to feel like he’s contributing, but also for the good player to “be good at the game”.