[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I don’t suppose that a redirection to King would have resulted in the death of King and What? It seems possible to me that we have a newbie Drunk who debbed the sus person into the King because that’s the typical play in ToL.

You can’t deb into King IIRC, though hosts have seem to forgotten that rule sometimes.

Love the oxymoron here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Makes sense to amount of night kills we have

I’m looking at Drunk card, and it doesn’t mention being unable to deb into King.

Okay, new theory for our night kills. Feel free to factcheck me.
Drunk debs What into King because they’re sus, but what is Knight using CS, so What and Dat die.
CL gave Marshal the Cult alts for Archer, which include Sacrilege. Cult tried to convert Solic to test for EK, but Dat was GK and fealtied Solic, so the conversion failed and Marshal used Sacrilege to kill Solic instead because conversion failed.
Meanwhile, Demon uses Haemophilia and Funeral Pyre on Marshal, thinking that they’re Prince and trying to take out protectives that hop on that; however, Derps’ guard prevents anyone but the Demon (because Funeral Pyre is not a visit when Haemophilia is used, so it wouldn’t be prevented by Merc guard), meaning that only Marshal dies. Derps survives because Merc is death immune when guarding and Funeral Pyre with Haemophilia only bypasses death immunity on the initial target (being Marshal).

marshal is hunter alt seen on his flip

Well, at least it’s unlikely that the CS of What did hit H_Hja.

Oh, duh, his class card has Hunter’s Mark and Uncontrollable Bleeding. That actually does make sense, Marshal felt to me like either newbie Prince or low-tier Hunter bait.

Tangeld drops microphone

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Actually, wait, Marshal having Hunter alts still makes this mostly work. Solic didn’t die to Sacrilege on a failed convert; Solic died because Marshal marked them to What after Solic claimed that they were going to CS it. Knowing that he wasn’t groupscum, they’d figure Solic to be legit Knight, and when Solic dies with logs that say they’re CSing What and What isn’t dead, then What looks even more suspicious than before and that most likely becomes the subject of our D2 lynch, which would have likely been the Cult play. The rest of my big theory still fits, right?


So if no one objects (I see a bunch of likes, which tells me that no one objects), then that theory would mean that Demon is our most likely NK and that Cult probably did get a convert off last night. I’ll admit, I preferred my first theory because it would have meant that Cult had no convert, so we could push out groupscum altogether with a good lynch D2 and have a supermajority that gave us a decent window to find NK.

I can barely comprehend the fact that you were intelligent enough to piece that together, but I do think that is very likely to be what had happened. If someone is Drunk that debauched What do we think they should out to confirm that that’s what happened or remain hidden? It’s not good for BD to mass claim, but at the same time it would be nice to get some sort of confirmation

Tangeld will remember that.


Too big brain for me. I STILL haven’t delved into the cult alts and stuff, so I am somewhat unfamiliar with it.

But essentially we’re looking at 1-2 Cult atm, which is good for us

I vaguely remembered Sacrilege being a thing, initially thought it was default Acolyte kit, looked that up and saw that I was wrong, so then I went looking for which alt kit would have it. In regards to the Hunter alt build, it’s literally Marshal’s classcard, so I didn’t have to go far for that one.

Actually, wait; Hunter alt could also have gotten Wall of Blood instead of Hunter’s Mark, but CL probably had the big brain play and went with Hunter’s Mark as soon as they saw Solic saying that he was going to CS What.

And considering that Cult alts are generally regarded as somewhat confusing, I would expect such a big-brain play to come from a veteran… So it’s at this point that I’m wanting to look back at Hja.

I agree. It is most likely that, if your theory is true, a veteran would be the CL.

I’m a little confused. Is it CL or NK that did the killing last night? Did Cult convert AND attack?