FoL Feedback Thread

There are a lot of solutions to remove swingyness from FoL but we can’t do that bcuz of setup uniqueness yada yada

are we really still boiling our entire setup down to a random feature that isn’t even advertised that is causing far more problems for the miserable amount of fun it provides?

this removes swing by just making scum unwinnable so the game can never swing
you’re gonna need to buff or even rework factions to compensate

for the last time
do you seriously think we aren’t going to buff wolves to compensate if NK is removed?


even a third starting scum can’t compensate for removing a full guaranteed KPN from the setup

alch having suicide guilt is literally going back on why knight cs guilt was changed

i dont really think removing all potions is the way to go, but if suicide guilt alch stays im going to post about it once every now and then until i stop caring

oh boi u are so thinking so small. Third scum is just the first step

  • Nerf Priest
  • Buff Mystic

0 voters

im in a nerf everything mood

doesn’t tol cs self cancel to prevent redirection shenanigans

Delete Mystic.

yeah ok forums

but that’s the thing
it’s not guarenteed
it’s KP that’s out of the control of the main wolfteam
and crosskills
and the game becomes much more dependent on when the NK dies, whereas Cultseen firepower is somewhat replacable, if not fully

… What about a slight nerf to Priest and a slight buff to Mystic?

Can we have a 3rd option that just says rework both so they both go on the same power level?

nah nah nah, slight isn’t enough.

A complete overhaul for both.

Entirely rework both?

Yes, that’s what I’m sayin


thing is hypotheticals are like none helpful, suggestions on what buffs and nerf u would make is what would need to be considered. Not small buff and small nerf

statistically more likely to kill town and NK doesn’t want scum to die early either