FoL Feedback Thread

This means that the target can be healed right?


its just a normal attack

i personally have no issue with the word occupy as long as it’s consistent tbh
not that I really care either way but

can we get a thread for FoL games of historic significance
this is entirely unnecessary but it’d be cool
like FoL7 for triple NK


this exists

it hasnt been updated in a bit but everything missing is easier to find than all of those old games, so

yell at simon to update it :stuck_out_tongue:

Introducing, for the first a time ever to Forum of Lies, a staple in literally every other FM setup ever – D1 executions!

To make this work, we’re going to make the following changes to the setup:

  • D1 will be 48 hours
  • The setup will be 17 players (instead of 16), with an additional Blue Dragon slot
  • Both the Mastermind and Cult Leader will be buffed slightly to ensure that the Night 1 convert is more consistent.

New classlist

Mastermind / Cult Leader
Assassin / Baron / Random Cult
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon/Random Neutral Non-Evil
Random Neutral Non-Evil
Neutral Evil

Old MM Convert

Convert (Night) - Change a player into the Unseen version of their class. Refunds a use if the conversion failed. - 1 Use

New MM Convert

Convert (Night) - Change a player into the Unseen version of their class. On Night 1 only, you may target two players. If the first conversion attempt would fail for any reason, you will attempt to convert the second without visiting the first. Refunds a use if no players are converted. - 1 Use

Old CL Convert

Brainwash (Night) - Change a player into their respective Cult class. Goes on cooldown if successful. - Infinite Uses, 1 night cooldown

New CL Convert

Brainwash (Night) - Change a player into their respective Cult class. If you are the only member of the Cult alive on Night 1, you may target two players. If the first conversion attempt would fail for any reason, you will attempt to convert the second without visiting the first. - Infinite Uses, 1 night cooldown if successful

Additionally, this will be added to the Cult Leader’s Charisma passive:

  • You are immune to roleblocking on Night 1.

Disclaimer: This is not set in stone. pls give feedback. pls. Also there’s more, but this is more hype!!!



efol 3 did it first :stuck_out_tongue:

um, actually, it’s the second time ever, the first time was in EFoL 3

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i figured it’d been tried before i just didnt care enough to find out when

i appreciate the feedback thank you :slight_smile:

Wow finally.

A reason for town to not actually tree d1

Neutral Non-Killer without Neutral Killer moment

What would happen in the case that MM gets redirected to someone else night 1?


i just copied the NFoL OP

this is ur faults @arete @chloe @datbird >:(

this is an error of katze wording


If the conversion would fail on the first player for any reason

If the first conversion attempt would fail for any reason

the only redirection they would be able to run into is a drunk debauchery, anyway

Also does occupation just stop the conversion entirely or will the second target get converted?

(The MM is already immune to being roleblocked on N1)

Yeah but I mean, Knight can remove roleblock immunity technically right?

in that case you’d just be roleblocked and fail both

and then cry in the feedback thread post-game on how knight+butler is overpowered

Technically speaking, the only reason then your conversion should fail on the first target is if they are conversion immune right?