FoL Feedback Thread


Preferably unconfirmable. We might hold a competition similar to the NK one held before.

literally all the fun classes are confirmable, dammit

@Solic @Geyde

While you’re looking for ideas


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here it is

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I edited the class but this would be a great class to have in FOL, it’s BD sided to help protect people and it encourages them to side BD, however after stopping 3 attacks they can do whatever they want and stopping 3 attacks should be enough for BD to have a grasp on the game even if they switched sides.


If we need more neutrals, which I think we do, we can hve some neutrals like this. I also think, that we can have some good BD neutrals however make some of them convertible would be another option.

Neutral Name

(Neutral Investigative)
Passive-Immune to death once.
Day ability 1-Asking Questions-You will find out if your target tonight has killed anyone in the past (not this night)-2 uses
Night Ability 1-Checking Around-Check to see if someone has a Killing Ability-Unlimited Uses
Win Condition-Find 2 killer classes/someone who is able to kill and get them hung.
It could theoretically find a knight and get them lynched as well so it’s not totally BD sided

It gets feedback immediately?

Oo I meant that whoever they invest tonight

Also what I see from this is that it’s a bit swingy depending on the scum faction.

Like in Unseen games it has a very large supply of targets versus cult

it’s not though, cult leader could count as a killer class here. Wait I got this solution

Yeah, that would need to be a thing

Even then, I don’t get why it has one-shot immunity

I fixed it

so it doesn’t lose right away

It’s a super BD sided class.

Requires a lot to take down.

make it convertible then

problem solved

I think more BD sided neutrals is a way to go and just make some of them convertible depending on how useful they are

If they already have won they would be immune